Know The Answer?
How many times did Jesus say we should forgive our brother?
Seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:22

THE GREAT GAMBLE Next Year's Food vs. Next Year's Harvest
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.2
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THE GREAT GAMBLE Next Year's Food vs. Next Year's Harvest
Dennis Neill  

Russia gambled on her grain harvest in 1972 and lost! Now the United States is taking the same gamble. Can it win? If the U.S.S.R. had not purchased 400 million bushels of wheat from the United States, hunger would be stalking Soviet streets right now. A combination of several kinds of bad weather ruined the 1972 Russian wheat crop. At the same time, U.S. and Canadian harvests were running significantly above average. Farmers were facing low prices and a bad market. While all this was happening, President Nixon made historic visits to Peking and Moscow. This strange set of circumstances brought about an incredible paradox. The United States of America sold over one third of its grain reserves to its former Cold-War arch-enemy - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.2