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A New Look at the ENERGY CRISIS
Plain Truth Magazine
July-August 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.7
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A New Look at the ENERGY CRISIS
Jerry Gentry  

The Western world is on an astounding energy binge. Available supplies of coal, oil and natural gas are being blasted and scraped from the earth and sucked up and burned at unprecedented rates. Why must we use ever increasing amounts of energy per person? Energy makes today's world go round. In its various forms, it powers our factories and propels our airplanes, autos and ships. It transports our bodies over freeways and through airways. It moves our cargo and blasts rockets to the moon. It illuminates our homes and offices. Inside our buildings, energy warms our bodies when we are too cold. Later, it cools us down when we are too hot. It brings us the evening news on television or a recorded stereo concert in the living room. On our heavily mechanized farms, energy drives sophisticated machinery and even causes our crops to grow. In the home, it cooks our food, which supplies our bodies with necessary nutrients. Energy itself is good.

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly-August 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.7