Know The Answer?
How did Saul and Jonathan lose their lives?
In battle with the Philistines.

I Samuel 31

Asia's millions are saying: God willed us to be poor. TRUE or FALSE?
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.8
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Asia's millions are saying: God willed us to be poor. TRUE or FALSE?

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - OVER HERE in the Far East, Asia's multimillions of poor are saying hopelessly, "God has willed us to be poor." It's a heart-touching story. Why should hundreds of millions be so impoverished? Why? The true facts will astonish - and they should arouse you! After the end of World War II, a massive effort was launched worldwide to develop the poor nations of the world. The United States led the rich, industrialized nations in organizing this gigantic human effort. These affluent nations made it a goal - many called it an obligation - to lift the world's impoverished majority out of its state of misery, poverty, despair, and hopelessness. They called this new process "development."

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.8