Organized religious rituals and dogmas have become irrelevant to millions. Time-honored moral codes are being questioned. What were claimed to be the moral demands of a God are now often looked upon as the whims of men. In such an age of confusion, how should we live our lives? Listen, for a moment, to our world of contradictory opinions: "Gay is good." "Marriage is sacred." "Stay single and swing." "Occupation housewife is my goal." "Why get married and ruin a good relationship?" "Premarital sex with love is fine." "Sex is only for married people." "Abortion on demand." "Abortion is murder." "Marijuana should be legalized." "Marijuana leads to heroin addiction." "Drinking is a sin." "Getting drunk on the weekend is fun." "Drink in moderation." "I'm Catholic." "I'm Protestant." "I'm Buddhist." "Religion is the opiate of the people." "I think God is a myth." "I'm not sure God exists." "The American way of life is best." "Communism has the answer to all problems." "God save the Queen."
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