What kind of man was Jesus Christ? How did he spend the thirty-six hours before his crucifixion? Tuesday, April 24, was a day of preparation for the spring festival in Jerusalem. On that day in A.D 31, Jesus Christ arose and prayed. It was still dark, perhaps three a.m. when he arose, that is, if he slept at all that night. As the first rays of sunlight cast their beams across the hillsides, Jesus and his disciples walked the short distance from Bethany to Jerusalem. Shortly before, Jesus had reminded the disciples that he would be betrayed and crucified during this passover. Already the chief priests and the elders of the people were meeting in the palace of the high priest to discuss how they might take Jesus quickly and have him brought to trial (Matthew 26:2-4). That evening, as the sun set, the disciples made preparation for the passover. It was the eve of the fourteenth day of the first month of the Hebrew year.
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