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Name the book that tells the story of Moses as a baby.

YUGOSLAVIA AFTER TITO what will happen?
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1974
Volume: Vol XXXIX, No.8
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YUGOSLAVIA AFTER TITO what will happen?

YUGOSLAVIA is facing an uncertain future. With his health failing. 82-year-old President Josip Broz Tito may not be the master of his country's destiny much longer. Since his break with Stalin in 1948, Tito has successfully steered Yugoslavia on a course independent of Soviet Russia. He has constantly stressed his country's nonalignment with the world's two power blocs. Ideologically, Yugoslavia is linked to the communist East. Economically, however, this most liberal of communist countries is tied considerably more to the West. A full two thirds of its trade is conducted with the nine-nation European Community, or Common Market. The million Yugoslav nationals working in Western Europe - who earn for their country about $500 million a year - underline Belgrade's vital economic links with the West.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1974Vol XXXIX, No.8