Know The Answer?
Who am I: I lived in tents. I chose to live on the plain of Jordan. I had flocks and herds. My family and I escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Genesis 13:5-13

How would you define the overall purpose of your radio and television broadcasts?
Plain Truth Magazine
October-November 1974
Volume: Vol XXXIX, No.9
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How would you define the overall purpose of your radio and television broadcasts?

Jesus Christ commanded his disciples, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15) and prophesied that his gospel - a message of alarm and hope for this sin-sick world - would be preached with great impact just prior to the beginning of the great tribulation (see Matthew 24: 14 and Mark 13:10). The gospel of the Kingdom of God is a message that Jesus Christ brought (Mark 1:14) from the Father.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober-November 1974Vol XXXIX, No.9