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What did Jesus say about the hairs of our head?
They are numbered.

Matthew 10:30

CYPRUS Mediterranean Powder Keg
Plain Truth Magazine
October-November 1974
Volume: Vol XXXIX, No.9
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CYPRUS Mediterranean Powder Keg

Ominous events are foreshadowed by the recent violent upheaval in Cyprus. It has long-range implications for the United States and Western Europe. Fear and hatred now rule Cyprus. The Greek and Turkish communities on this embattled isle have virtually sworn that neither will ever live under the other's authority again. In Turkish-occupied Famagusta, the island's foremost tourist city, row upon row of homes and villas stand empty. An eerie silence stalks the streets. Thousands of Greek Cypriot residents have fled in terror from the approaching Turkish troops - doubly apprehensive because of the legend of Turkish fierceness in battle. Homes, farms, and jobs of the displaced Greek Cypriots are gone. Most of their clothing and personal possessions were left behind in their hasty retreat. Businesses were often looted of their expensive inventories.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober-November 1974Vol XXXIX, No.9