Know The Answer?
What musical instrument did David play for King Saul?

I Samuel 16:23

Conservative, Liberal Pro-establishment or Anti-establishment
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1974
Volume: Vol XXXIX, No.10
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Conservative, Liberal Pro-establishment or Anti-establishment

What "positions"? I equate taking a position with the petty politics and carnal-minded conniving and chicanery of would-be opportunists who take a "stand" on this or that issue only to gain favor or to perpetuate themselves in public offices. It would be impossible to decide whether Jesus Christ was "conservative," "liberal." "pro-establishment," or "anti-establishment"! To people of today, the simplest teachings of Jesus would appear to be terribly conservative and very far on the right.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1974Vol XXXIX, No.10