Know The Answer?
What special thing did David want to do for God?
Build God a house.

II Samuel 7

WHO Will Feed The Hungry Millions?
Plain Truth Magazine
February 8, 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.2
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WHO Will Feed The Hungry Millions?

With drought in Africa. food shortages in Bangladesh. and a 27-day global grain reserve - the lowest in 30 years - the world faces a food scarcity of unprecedented dimension and duration. There is "a very real threat" says American Senator Charles H. Percy, Republican of Illinois," of a worldwide food crisis far exceeding in impact the energy crisis." The world has now come to the place where " 50 million people. perhaps more, could perish from famine " in a sing le year. So says Nobel Prize winning agronomist Norman Borlaug.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 8, 1975Vol XL, No.2