Does it make sense to you why the human mind is so capable it can produce the incredible computer and the accomplishment of sending man to the moon and back, yet is utterly helpless in fact to solve our problems here on earth? Does it make sense to you - when humanity has been endowed with such tremendous mental power - that more than HALF of all people on earth should be illiterate, living in abject poverty, near starvation, in filth and squalor; that in one country of 26 million people, only 3% can read and write and per capita income is only $69 per year? Does it make sense to you that human civilization has developed modern science, higher education, the world's religions and its great governments, yet all these are in total ignorance of the way to world peace? None of these can tell us what man is whether he was put on earth for a purpose, what that PURPOSE IS, where he is going or how to get there. Does it make sense to you - with the human endowed with such great powers - that the world should be filled with so much unhappiness, troubles and evils? Did God Almighty the Creator purpose and ordain all of this? We may blame it all on human nature, but did God create man with this evil to harass him? It's time to clear up this mystery. It's time we understand. It's time we come to the answer of these supposedly unanswerable questions that seem to baffle all human thought.
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