Was humanity put here on earth for a purpose? Winston Churchill said to the American Congress: "There is a purpose being worked out here below," implying a higher power above working on earth. But why? What caused the placing of humanity here, and what is that purpose? Where are we going, and what is the way? No RELIGION has given us this missing dimension in knowledge. Science has never explained to us why man is as he is - capable of sending men to the moon and back, yet utterly helpless to solve his problems here on earth. In Part III of this series we saw the awesome potential of man. But why? Why does the Creator God purpose all this? Why did the living God decide to create man and put him on earth? God does not do things without a reason. To understand - to comprehend the whole picture in the order of time sequence - we must now go all the way back into prehistory. That missing dimension in knowledge, too, is revealed in the Word of God - God's message and revelation of knowledge to mankind.
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