Know The Answer?
At the last supper who did Jesus indicate would betray him?
Judas Iscariot

John 13:26

Common Market Green Light GREECE TO BECOME NUMBER TEN?
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1976
Volume: Vol XLI, No.3
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Common Market Green Light GREECE TO BECOME NUMBER TEN?

BRUSSELS: Negotiations to make Greece the tenth member of the European Economic Community should start as soon as possible. This was the decision made here in Brussels, the night of February 9, by the nine foreign ministers of the European Community. Their decision overrides the recommendation last month by the European Commission that Greece should undergo a prolonged period of structural change before being admitted to the Europe of Nine. Greece first applied for membership to the Community last year after shaking off its military dictatorship in 1974, During the next few months, the committee of permanent representatives of the nine nations in Brussels will work out a negotiating mandate which will then be approved by the Council of Ministers. This is expected by Europe's summer vacation this year, after which time formal negotiations will begin. They are expected to last for some time, perhaps two or three years.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1976Vol XLI, No.3