Know The Answer?
How many stones were used to build a memorial to the Jordan River crossing?
12 (one for each tribe of Israel).

Joshua 4:5-6

A personal letter from Herbert W Armstrong TELLING OF HIS VISIT TO SOUTHERN AFRICA
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1977
Volume: Vol XLII, No.2
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A personal letter from Herbert W Armstrong TELLING OF HIS VISIT TO SOUTHERN AFRICA

Dear Plain Truth Reader: I have been virtually a prisoner in my hotel suite here at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in the Elizabeth Hotel for one week with a seriously sprained ankle. I can hobble around a little, but if I must go as far as across the room I go in a wheelchair. It's the first time in my life I can remember using a wheelchair. It happened a week ago tonight, on Thursday, November 11. I was having a one-night public campaign in the "Great Room" of this hotel (which seats about 700 or 800 people). The room was virtually packed. I was in fine shape for it and spoke for an hour and a half -one of the strongest sermons of my life (no punches pulled).

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1977Vol XLII, No.2