PLAIN TRUTH, eh? What's that? Well, why not the MOUNTAINOUS truth? Perhaps the brash speaker in his unfamiliarity had a point. Certainly The Plain Truth's message is mountainous. In more ways than one. That message is large; it is important; its grandeur is imposing; and it's a message about the Kingdom of God, for which the biblical symbol is a mountain (Isa. 2:3). Certainly, too, the course of The Plain Truth's first forty-five years of existence has not been as smooth as a plain. It has been rocky, difficult, uneven, mountainous. Its problems have been great, but its success even greater. Volume 1 number I of The Plain Truth "magazine" made its humble debut at the very bottom-the bottom, that is, of America's Great Depression of the 1930s. Business was at a stand still and almost no money was in circulation. This birth was so humble that the word "magazine" must be in quotes-it was no more than four mimeographed sheets.
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