Know The Answer?
To whom was Joseph sold as a slave in Egypt?

Genesis 37:36

THE WORLD TOMORROW A Look Behind the Scenes
Plain Truth Magazine
September-October 1982
Volume: Vol 47, No.8
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THE WORLD TOMORROW A Look Behind the Scenes

Ready Mr. Armstrong ... five …four ... three ... two … one ..." and another World Tomorrow television program is under way at Ambassador Television studios in Pasadena, California. Herbert W. Armstrong has broadcast this powerful, straight-from-the-shoulder program since the first week of 1934, first on radio and later also on television. It can now be seen and heard in most areas across the United States and Canada and in many other countries around the world. Since January, 1982, a subtitled television program in French has been added. It is seen by viewers in Belgium and Northern France. Breathtaking advances in communications technology are too often harnessed for wrong purposes. At Ambassador College Television studios, that same technology is used to produce a message of true understanding, right education and the genuine news of a better tomorrow. Consult the television log next page to find where you can see and hear The World Tomorrow program in your area.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember-October 1982Vol 47, No.8