Explaining the meaning of world events and the awesome purpose of human life
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1984
Volume: Vol 49, No.2
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Explaining the meaning of world events and the awesome purpose of human life

   More than 20 million people representing 196 countries and territories now read The Plain Truth each month. Most major news magazines publish their various editions, worldwide, in one language. Only The Plain Truth publishes simultaneous editions in seven languages worldwide. The accompanying world map illustrates the varied impact on each of the continents of the message of The Plain Truth.
   In photo insets, from left to right, we take readers through the major steps from planning to publishing an issue. This February number you hold in your hands began with an editorial planning meeting in our editorial conference room in early August. Only a part of the writing staff is shown here. Following an hour's in-depth discussion on the focus of the 50th anniversary issue, assignments are approved.
   Over the next several weeks articles and graphic needs are thoroughly researched. World news editor Gene H. Hogberg, for example, keeps up-to-date in his office with the latest publications. About a month after initial planning, writers discuss their copy with the editor and any changes required by so diverse an international audience are incorporated into the text.
   Meanwhile, editor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong prepares his "Personal" and articles in his office, with various translations of the Bible immediately available.
   Photo Services works with the graphics designer to keep pace with the developing articles by creating visuals to illustrate the content.
   In this double — page spread we continue insets (left to right) with the typeset copy being called up on a video display terminal in composing for final corrections. (The articles, meanwhile, have been sent to our offices in Europe for translation and returned by Datapost for typesetting.)
   A production planning meeting of Publishing Services evaluates the layouts, designed by our graphics department, of the February number. Layouts are then sent on to separation and composing areas. In prepress each final paste — up on copyboard is photographed to make film that is then processed in film assembly and readied for shipment to the printers. As the early copies come off the press, they are reviewed by Herbert W. Armstrong with executive editor Dexter H. Faulkner.
   Of the more than 50 editors and international directors, 30 were available for the photograph, left, in this anniversary issue (see editorial page for various responsibilities). Front row: Colin Adair, Dibar Apartian, Guy Ames, John B. Karlson, Robert Morton, Herbert W. Armstrong, Dexter H. Faulkner, Dan C. Taylor, Norman L. Shoaf, Keith W. Stump. Second row: Bram de , Bree, Roy McCarthy, Frank Brown, Frank Schnee, Donald D. Schroeder, Michael A. Snyder, Sheila Graham, Clayton D. Steep. Third row: Don Walls, Carn Catherwood, Leon Walker, Peter Nathan, Herman L. Hoeh, Gene H. Hogberg, Ron Toth, Roderick C. Meredith. Last row: Jeff E. Zhorne, Peter Moore, Raymond F. McNair, Ronald D. Kelly.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1984Vol 49, No.2