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Give the king Thy judgments God, Justice to his royal son!
Let him judge with equity; Deal justice to the poor!
Let the mountains and the hills Bear prosperity for all;
May he judge in peace and righteousness and defend the needy ones.

In His days shall peace abound; in the days of Christ the King!
Righteousness shall flourish then And endure forevermore!
His dominion shall extend Out from Zion to earth's end;
Kings and people all will yield to Him; He will rule from sea to sea.

Kings of east and kings of west, All kings shall homage pay!
All His enemies shall bow And grovel in the dust!
For he pities those forlorn; Hears all those who cry to Him;
He will save the weak and all oppressed; they are precious in His sight.

Blessed be His glorious name; Let all nations hail Him King!
Blessed shall He be alway, The God of Israel;
Blessed be His glor'ous name! He alone works wonders great!
For His glory all the earth shall fill; Even so, Amen, Amen!