Psalm 33 - Page: 26
Piano Accompaniment
For God looks down from heav'n above And He beholds all nations.
From His place above He looks on all; He sees their ev'ry doing;
He sees their sin, He sees their works, He beholds all of those who fear Him.
O you righteous in the Lord, rejoice; Songs of praise befit the upright;
Play skillfully upon the strings; Sing to Him a joyful new song.
For the Word of God is right and just. All His works are true and faithful;
His loving kindness fills the earth; For He loves righteousness and justice.
By the Word of God the heav'ns were made; Waters of the sea He gathered.
In storage places laid the deeps; Let all the earth revere Him.
Let the people stand in awe of Him; For He spoke and earth existed.
When He commanded it stood fast; By His word were the heav'ns created.
Kings will not be saved by armies great Nor a mighty man delivered;
Not one is saved by his own strength, Nor by some other power.
But the eyes of God are on the just; Those who fear and worship Him;
Who wait for Him, who hope for Him, Those who trust in the God Of Isr'el.