January 17, 1947  
January 17, 1947 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Box 111, Eugene, Oregon

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

January 17, 1947

Dear Friend and Co-Workers:

   Another BULLETIN is past due. I am so pressed for time just now I have decided to simply write you a brief letter from San Francisco, enroute to Los Angeles to get the first NEW and larger PLAIN TRUTH on the press — and then I will try to get you another BULLETIN immediately afterwards, at the usual time, about the 20th of the month.

   All the initial planning for the new college, coming just at a time of getting out the enlarged double-sized PLAIN TRUTH, is surely keeping me busy — in addition to preparing and broadcasting a new radio program daily. In fact much of the pressure of preliminary planning for the college has delayed the January PLAIN TRUTH two weeks. So I have decided to call this number the January-February number.

   I have great news for you in regard to the new college. Plans are progressing rapidly, — We are now planning on a larger, more thorough basis than I had in mind at first! A thing worth doing is worth doing right. And this is so worth doing, it must be done on the highest, most thorough possible standard. Consequently, it is becoming a bigger undertaking than I really had in mind at first! It is truly a gigantic undertaking — even tho we planned to start it small, with perhaps around forty students. We are planning for bigger things and the foundation must be firm, and pure, and right.

   It is not yet finally named. BUT it appears more and more apparent that the name which first came to me, almost as though God had put it in my mind, is the name that will be adopted.

   That name is AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. Everyone seems to like it. When I first mentioned the name to Mr. Walter E. Dillon, who in all probability will be the first president, he said he liked the name — it had dignity, it was of pleasing sound, etc., but he felt that we should select a name that carried a definite meaning. I agreed, and when I explained the meaning, he thought the name very satisfactory.

   The meaning of names is important. It is important to realize the meaning of the name of God, and the meaning and power of the name Jesus Christ. All Hebrew names have meaning. Well, then, here is the meaning: As most colleges today claim to train students for their part in the world — to become a part OF the world, AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has a diametrically opposite purpose. It is to teach students to come out of this world and be separate — to live by every Word of God, instead of the ways and customs of the world — and yet, while not being of this world, but rather as strangers and foreigners in it we shall train them to be AMBASSADOR'S for Christ. We hope, therefore, to train every student to be an AMBASSADOR for Christ and His coming Kingdom, which we represent. The name AMBASSADOR, therefore, is in fact the name of every student in the college. Of course the world in general will not see or comprehend the real meaning of the name. But to those of the world, the name carries distinction, beauty and dignity. And there is no college by that name in Southern California. I would appreciate it if you'd write and tell me what YOU think of the name, "AMBASSADOR COLLEGE". Already we have received many applications from students, and too, I believe, from prospective faculty members. It is now tentatively planned for Mr. Dillon and I to spend the month of June on the grounds, in Pasadena, making more intensive preliminary plans, ordering and installing the new college equipment. All equipment, in keeping with our policy, will be the most modern and efficient obtainable. Then the month of July and first half of August it is planned for Mr. Dillon to be at Columbia University of New York, taking the summer session in advanced educational research, making final plans, for curriculum, schedules, etc., under the technical guidance of the Columbia experts. While AMBASSADOR COLLEGE will be utterly different in purpose, in objectives, in its basic concept, etc., yet it will employ the most advanced of established methods of administration, adapting these procedures of educational experience of our basic principal. And the standards are to be the highest in every respect. From August 20 until September 20th, Mr. Dillon and I will again be on the grounds in Pasadena, making final preparations for the college to open around September 20th.

   It is planned now in due time to acquire two adjoining estates, and a beautiful vacant lot across the street, on the corner. This will give us the total of around seven acres of most beautiful ground. Without exaggeration I can say flatly no college campus in America will be more beautiful, and very few if any, as lovely as this that God has provided for His college. If and when we are able to acquire the two adjoining estates, we will have two additional very large reinforced concrete houses, one of twenty-two rooms, and one of fourteen, with space to build later two or three class room buildings, a gymnasium, and on the corner across the street, a beautiful chapel and church building. I am assured circumstances are such that we shall be able to acquire this additional property. At every step we see God's hand in this remarkable undertaking.

   In the January-February "Plain Truth", I will show you pictures of the building and grounds — so prepare yourselves for a surprise!

   Now, brethren, I have left space only to say that we are in he two hardest most difficult months we have ever seen. Already we have met successfully the first of these two most difficult months. But again offering and tithe are beginning to lag. Beginning with October, our radio bills doubled. We already have met successfully our first and hardest month in paying for the marvelously beautiful new home for Ambassador College. But now this month we have to meet the increased costs of the new "Plain Truth," and with its very large circulation this, with postage, is going to cost $4,000.00. But a quarter of a million people will read it!

   SO REMEMBER! Never before in the history of this work has the need been so great — never before so vital that every co-worker try to be a little more generous in God's work and send in a larger offering than before, whether it is a widow's mite, or a large contribution of several thousand dollars. I do not have the money on hand for the January-February "Plain Truth", and unless it comes quickly, the magazine will have to be delayed further. The need is MOST URGENT — IMMEDIATE! I know you'll do whatever God has made possible for YOU — and send it immediately if possible, in the enclosed reply envelope, AIR MAIL if possible (only 5› postage now, you know)! And then also please join me in earnest, believing prayer that this test will be passed successfully — that OTHERS, whose ability may be greater than yours, will also be loyal and faithful to the utmost of their ability. God bless you, I know you will!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: January 17, 1947
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