Just as I am trying to get away at last, this morning, for the much needed rest and period of fasting, a situation arises SO URGENT that although my head is thick with a severe cold and fever, and I am hoarse with sore throat, I find it necessary to write you this brief letter before I go.
Once again our Co-Workers are letting down. Money to carry on this great and growing work or God is dropping off. Dear Co-Workers, I wish I did not need to remind you of this FIRST PRIORITY necessity, and I am very tired and overworked this morning, but God's work must not suffer, or stop. So I am forced to ask you again for quick, and GENEROUS help.
We had such a marvelous — yes, miraculous, response in December when the life of the whole work and of the college was threatened. But in January our Co-Workers began to let down again. I wonder if you realize that the nature of this work is such that, if our Co-Workers let down for even a single month, THIS WHOLE WORK CAN BE STOPPED, AND ENDED, ANY TIME! It is a work of FAITH, from day to day. We can carry on only as our Co-Workers make possible.
Since January 1st, WE HAVE MADE REALLY AMAZING PROGRESS. A good portion of the remaining debt has been paid, but not all, even yet. Hundreds have been healed who were sick, other hundreds have been converted and now await baptism. A plan has been definitely completed for baptising a large portion of these through the summer months. The true Gospel has been preached to MILLIONS, and the mail response has been by far the greatest we ever enjoyed. Thousands of lives have been changed, turned right-side-up, set on the true road, even tho strait and narrow, that leads to ever- lasting life. Yes, God has given a very precious harvest.
There is SO MUCH I want to tell you. I have a BIG SURPRISE for you. But I will have to leave it until I have recovered, and rested, and am again in fit and vigorous condition, and then I will send you a large, illustrated BULLETIN, and show you the MIRACLES God has performed for His work since the first of the year — and of things accomplished, and planned, that will astonish you and give you a great thrill of joy, I know.
I have become so innervated from overwork, I have had to delay completing the writing of The PLAIN TRUTH until I finish this fast and rest. The Jan.-Feb. issue is not all mailed out yet. Since December we have received over 60,000 letters asking for The PLAIN TRUTH. Our office is literally SWAMPED, and we still have about 26,000 whose names and addresses must be carefully typed, and stencils cut for the mailing list, and then addresses printed on copies of the magazine for mailing. We have employed 4 extra girls, and have a staff of more than 20 working as hard as they can to get it out. You may have to hear some former programs repeated on the air again, until I get back from this imperative rest — but then I shall have much better broadcasts for you, and I will be more fit for the heavy responsibilities God has given me.
GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU — I know I can go now, relying on you all to respond quickly and generously. Many, I know, can send only the widow's mites (remember it was two mites) and they are absolutely necessary, for every dollar enables us to send God's Message to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS. But, because so many simply do not have more to give for the Lord's work, IT IS DOUBLY IMPERATIVE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CAN SEND LARGER, MORE GENEROUS SUMS — from $10 up to even a few thousand dollars. It takes many thousand dollars a month to carry on this great work — and remember it is powerfully, dynamically, reaching six or seven million every week! Once again the NEED IS SERIOUS AND URGENT! Unless a big response comes by return AIR-MAIL, the office will have to telephone me to rush back to Pasadena and break up my fast and rest. So I know you will place currency, money-order or check for the largest sum you possibly can in the enclosed reply-envelope, put an air-mail stamp on it, and get it in the post-office right now, the first thing you do. GOD BLESS YOU!