In a few days I must leave for Washington D.C., and New York, on an important mission for the work. But before I go, I find it necessary to write a most serious, urgent, and hurried letter to you and our other Co-Workers on the condition of God's great work at the moment.
Never has God blessed this work so greatly as this year. Never has it been so productive. Never has it produced so rich a harvest of souls. Yet, regardless of how God lavishes spiritual blessings upon us — regardless of growth and advances and abundant accomplishments, it seems there are always periodic slumps on the part of our goodly and growing family of Co-Workers, and once again this most blessed and important work on earth IS THREATENED, and IN URGENT NEED.
When our Co-Workers either grow careless or forgetful of God's Work, I wonder if you realize the criticism it heaps on me, and the desperate predicament I find myself in? When we begin to fall behind in paying the bills for carrying on this work — bills that have to be paid for carrying the true MESSAGE OF CHRIST to millions — bills for that which has resulted in HUNDREDS of precious converted souls and changed lives — you know, I am sure, what those we must do business with in the world for God's cause think of me, and say to me and about me. And all the more, because we are CHRIST'S representative. They persecuted Christ. Just let a known representative of Christ get behind in paying a bill to a worldly man, and can you imagine the condemnation that man heaps on God's servant, the names he calls him? It becomes a reproach to the cause we are devoting our very lives to promoting. But not only that — when I have to send out urgent appeals to our Co-Workers, then even many of our perhaps less-Spiritual Co-Workers point a finger of accusation against me personally — and begin to PUT THE BLAME ON ME, or imagine that in some way it must be my fault.
These occasional lapses on the part of our Co-Workers ARE IN NO MANNER A CASE OF IMPROPER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT IN OUR OFFICE. The truth is, it requires just so much every week, and every month, to conduct this great work; it is MOST carefully managed, and is geared to a fixed rate of expense well UNDER the normal income of the work. We cannot reduce expenditures without upsetting or completely paralyzing the work. But when, at times, our Co-Workers grow careless and FAIL TO KEEP UP THEIR PART, and the income drops to around HALF the normal rate, we find ourselves heading for financial trouble, getting behind in current payments which we try to keep paid PROMPTLY, or even in advance, we get telegrams from radio stations threatening to put the program off the air. TODAY I RECEIVED SUCH TELEGRAMS FROM TWO OF OUR THREE BIGGEST STATIONS!
Beside all this, I have to raise an additional $3,000 in ten days to pay off a loan. 18 months ago one of our good Co-workers mortgaged his home to borrow $5,000 which he put into this work at the time of the college reconstruction. Last February the bank demanded $2,000 of it, agreeing to let the remainder ride for the time being. But now they demanded the other $3,000. We paid the $2,000 in February. I had expected to have another six months to pay the $3,000, but now we must meet this obligation immediately. We will not let this dear Co-Worker and his wife lose their home — but I need the immediate prayers and help of ALL of our Co-workers.
The first of this week the broadcast went on a local station reaching Southern California EVERY MORNING IN THE WEEK, Sundays included. Our auditor and attorney is in the East working on a gigantic timber deal which unexpectedly opened up, which if successful, will go a long way toward building the college. In Washington next week I hope to start wheels turning on another opportunity which has come to us which, if God blesses with success, will put this work financially on its feet and provide great expansion for the college. God is opening marvelous possibilities. In New York I hope to start the program on a super- power 50,000-watt New York station which will carry the precious Gospel to a million or more in the East and New England who are not now hearing it — we now reach every other section of the United States except this.
Two of our college students are on a Coast-to-Coast baptizing tour — having baptized 59 precious souls converted through the broadcast and our free literature through this past winter, spring and this summer — AND MORE THAN FOUR HUNDRED MORE ARE STILL WAITING FOR US TO SEND SOMEONE TO BAPTIZE THEM! God is granting a BIG harvest of souls. Ambassador College is already bearing rich fruit. Three other students are now writing articles which have amazed me, as I think they will you, when I am able to print them so you can read them. The college already is making possible a great expansion in this work. It is providing me with the necessary trained, competent help from consecrated, Spirit-filled men whom God has called to this work which I have never had before.
Three new highly-competent professors have been added to our college staff for this fall semester. I am greatly encouraged and enthused over their ability and standing, and they will add prestige to the college. In every way God is BLESSING this work, carrying it on in constantly greater power, endowing it with increased ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Yes, GOD IS DOING HIS PART — and we here in Pasadena are putting our very UTMOST effort, almost night and day, into this work — we are DOING OUR PART! Many of our Co-workers are making great sacrifice, and are diligent and faithful in sending in generously of God's money — DOING THEIR PART. But MANY of our Co-Workers, on the other hand, have been growing careless, or forgetting — AND THEREIN LIES THE TROUBLE WHICH MAKES US SUFFER, BRINGS REPROACH ON THE WORK, AND THREATENS TO STOP IT ALTOGETHER!
Brethren, Co-workers — THIS OUGHT NOT TO BE! Will you — EVERY ONE OF YOU — get down on your knees, and pray earnestly with me, asking God to touch the hearts of those who are slack in sending in money — asking Him to somehow MOVE on every one who can to send in the most generous amounts possible — AND QUICKLY? Pray with me that God will, through our Co-Workers, literally open the windows of heaven and send upon His servants here in Pasadena a veritable DOWNPOUR of dollars — for His glory, and to lift His work from reproach, and to keep it going — week by week, and month by month! Surely, among all our Co-Workers, there is at least one who is able, if willing, to send us that entire $3,000 to pay off that loan our Co-Worker made for us. Surely there are beside, at least two or three who can send in a thousand dollars each to pull this work out of its slump, help us get bills paid up so we can owe no man anything! And I know that EVERY ONE OF YOU can send in at least the poor widow's mite — just $2! And most of you can spare God and His work considerably more than that!
In addition to this financial crisis, we need extra funds quickly to print and mail the August-September PLAIN TRUTH, now almost ready for the printer.
Will you pray — and it it's YOU who can, DO IT AT ONCE, and send your liberality by air-mail! Let's send up this united appeal to God — and each do his UTMOST, and see God glorified and His work leap on ahead greater than ever!