Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
October 28, 1953
Dear Co-Workers in Christ's Service:
"The WORLD TOMORROW" now goes out on one of the great major net-works, ABC, Transcontinental!
From WQAM, Miami, Florida, clear across to KFAR, Fairbanks, Alaska — and from KECA, Los Angeles, all the way across to WANI, Bangor, Maine, these scores of stations on the ABC Radio Net-work now release to the far corners of the North American continent the VERY SAME Gospel Jesus proclaimed.
From the world's greatest standard-wave station, Radio Luxembourg, the same dynamic Message from God to this 20th-century world now enters into the homes of millions in all parts of Europe and the British Isles — and now HUNDREDS OF LETTERS EVERY WEEK are pouring in from overseas listeners!
Add all this to the super-power programs going out over giant Mexican stations, and THE WORLD TOMORROW VERY POSSIBLY NOW IS THE MOST POWERFUL RADIO BROADCAST ON EARTH!
Listen, CO-WORKERS! This has the greatest significance of any world event in our time! Do you know what it means? The disciples came to Jesus and asked Him when the END OF THIS WORLD would come, and the time of His Second Coming? Read this greatest prophecy Jesus ever spoke, in the 24th chapter of Matthew. He told them in plain language WHEN this world shall END — exactly WHEN He shall come again! And the only sign He gave them was this: "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END come."
Jesus' own apostles proclaimed this same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD thru Palestine and Asia Minor. That took one 19- year cycle. GOD'S TIME RUNS IN 19-YEAR CYCLES! Then, after the first 19-year cycle, in 50 A.D., a door was opened for the Apostle Paul to preach the same Gospel in EUROPE. And all organized work of preaching it was finally stopped in 69 A.D. — after one more 19-year cycle — when the Roman armies advanced toward Jerusalem, and the disciples all fled, as Jesus commanded in Mat. 24:15-16 and Luke 21:20-21. The organized powers of government from Rome stopped the organized proclaiming of JESUS' MESSAGE from that point. Soon the Gentile pagans, infiltrating into the churches and outnumbering the really converted saints, persecuting them and driving them out of the organized assemblies, introduced new pagan doctrines and customs. The Gospel Jesus had proclaimed was snuffed out. A counterfeit Gospel ABOUT the PERSON of Jesus was substituted.
And now, 18« centuries later, God OPENED THE DOOR of radio and the printing press in January, 1934, in order that the very same original Gospel might once again go out AS A WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS. After exactly one 19-year cycle, in January this present year, 1953, GOD OPENED THE DOOR for us to take His gospel once again to ALL EUROPE!
DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? It means we are already, now, in the very last 19-year cycle of time left for THIS PRESENT WORLD! It means THE WAY IS BEING PREPARED for the second COMING OF JESUS CHRIST! It means that YOU and YOUR FAMILY have only a very few more years to live IN THIS WORLD — of THIS LIFE. It means that NOTHING else really counts now — NOTHING else is important to you and your future — except to permit GOD to change your life — to use your life — and especially in the work of getting this precious last warning Message out to the REST of this dying world!
This great net-work broadcast adds FOUR stations in Alaska. Now the way is opening for us to send out THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM over all the Middle-East — thru Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and as far as INDIA, on powerful radio stations in that region. LITTLE BY LITTLE this most powerful work on earth is GROWING AROUND THE WORLD. When it has spanned ALL THE WAY AROUND THE WORLD, going into ALL nations, as it soon shall — THEN, dear Co-Workers, SHALL THE E N D OF THIS WORLD COME!
Yes, the WORK OF GOD IS GROWING! It is growing MIGHTILY — in tremendous POWER! God is using you as well as me, in HIS GREAT WORK!
Right now there is a national economic readjustment going on. Not, apparently, a real depression — but a readjustment from sky-rocketing inflation to a more stable economy. Business activity is slowing somewhat. Stores are advertising big sales to try to hold up business. Many farmers have been hit this year from one cause or another. Many preachers, broadcasting their own religious messages over the radio, are crying out that they may have to quit.
CO-WORKERS, Listen! In the face of this economic slacking off, GOD'S WORK, thru GOD'S POWER, cannot quit, or even slow down — it cannot even stand still — IT MUST, AND IN FACT IT ACTUALLY IS LEAPING ON AHEAD IN THE MIGHTIEST SURGE OF POWER OF ANY PROGRAM ON EARTH TODAY!
Now, GOD HAS OPENED THE DOOR of a great major radio net- work!
This is the doing of ALMIGHTY GOD! God's Message MUST GO! God has decreed it, and opened the door wide! But it costs more and more money — and in the face of economic readjustment, IT MEANS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU MUST TAKE THIS TO HEART AS NEVER BEFORE — we must now tighten our financial belts, sacrifice pleasures and personal desires, and even at cost of going without some things we have planned, SEND IN MORE MONEY FOR THE WORK OF GOD!
NEVER before were the one and two-dollar offerings of those who do not have larger amounts, so badly needed. Those of you who have thought the little you had would not be enough to help — SEND WHAT GOD HAS MADE POSSIBLE, little or big. Little amounts count up. Those of you who have not sent anything for God's cause recently, send what YOU can — that will be an INCREASE which God's work needs. Those of you who have been sending small amounts regularly — can't you send a little more by sacrificing something else? Those who have sent in regular tithes — God commands us to give offerings ALSO — and GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER! Can't YOU send in LARGER amounts? It is only by ALL OF US WORKING TOGETHER, each according as God has prospered and made possible — some with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, some who don't have so much, even the widow's mites — but ALL TOGETHER, each doing his BEST — it is only thru this combined work of ALL that God's work can now KEEP FORGING ON AHEAD, as God Himself opens the way before us! *** NOTHING ELSE COUNTS TODAY! We must AROUSE ourselves, and rally to this great need!
The PLAIN TRUTH has been greatly delayed by lack of sufficient funds. We are not yet back on week-nights on XEG — but still SUNDAYS ONLY, at 8:30 Sunday nights. WON'T YOU ALL PRAY — AND PRAY EARNESTLY, AND IN BELIEVING FAITH — that God will without further delay again OPEN THIS DOOR for every night broadcasting? Meanwhile, tune in XELO, 800 on dial, 8 o'clock Mountain time, 9 P.M. Central time, every night.
God bless you all — I know you'll take this to heart — PRAY WITH ME — and really pour out your heart to God about it — and do your own part to your utmost!
And THANK YOU, in Jesus' name, Herbert W. Armstrong