October 25, 1954  
October 25, 1954 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

October 25, 1954

Dear Co-Workers for Christ:

   I have returned to Pasadena to find this LIFE or DEATH struggle to save God's work is still with us — the very LIFE of the most important activity on earth still hangs in the balance!

   I've been informed that a few nights ago we were off of XEG. I do not know, as I write, whether we are back on or whether we have been thrown permanently off.

   All this year we have been in the "tight squeeze" I've continually written you about, to get ourselves established on the great ABC radio network, Coast to Coast. I've explained to you how we were not, previously, being heard in the North Atlantic and North Central states — and how some 55% of all the people of the United States — more than half — live in these states we were not reaching at all, or at least where we were not being well and clearly heard. THE NETWORK REACHES THIS LARGEST POPULATION AREA!

   NO OTHER RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN ALLOWED ON ANY NETWORK SINCE. Had I not moved, when GOD opened the doors, it would have been our last opportunity! I knew that. I knew GOD OPENED THIS DOOR, and expected us to proceed where He led!

   Now more and more new listeners from this network are beginning to join us as co-workers — but not as yet enough to pay even a fourth of the cost. But it is INCREASING! It will pay its own way in due time.

   Let me tell you one case history. When we started on WAIT, Chicago, a few years ago, we received about as much mail the first year as we now receive from each comparable station on the network. It was not large. After a year, new listeners from that station were sending us about one-fourth as much money as we had to pay out week by week for the broadcast. But by a year and a half it was paying its own way, and by two years the new listeners from that station were not only paying the cost of that station, but their full share of the cost of publishing The PLAIN TRUTH and the other Gospel literature, and operating Ambassador College.

   Every radio station we ever went on has shown the same experience. Now we have been on the network ONE YEAR. It may take a few more months — IT ALWAYS TAKES TIME — not many of you began supporting this true work of God until you had heard the program some little time, and read The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature, and compared it with YOUR BIBLE, until you came to KNOW this is in fact the true WORK OF GOD. Co-Workers, we dare not quit!

   In Europe I saw PROPHECY IN RAPID DYNAMIC FULFILLMENT! I tell you it is later than you think! I will report fully in The PLAIN TRUTH and the next Co-Worker letter. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT I SAW THERE!

   In England, I was absolutely AMAZED at the interest already generated in hearing God's truth on The WORLD TOMORROW program which they hear on Radio Luxembourg, most powerful station on earth. The INTENSE INTEREST shown at the six public meetings I held in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Scotland, and Belfast, Ireland, was an eye-opening revelation to me. WE HAVE NOT TAKEN THE WORK GOD IS DOING THRU US IN GREAT BRITAIN SERIOUSLY ENOUGH!

   I had my eyes opened to the fact that the work in Great Britain can, and must grow as great in the next two or three years as it is even now in the United States! We must reach many times more people there than we do already — altho we are reaching many hundreds of thousands there now! In the next PLAIN TRUTH I will show you a picture of the very first person being baptized in England, converted thru the broadcast over there. Pictures were not taken of the others, but by next summer there will probably be a hundred or more ready to be baptized. THE WORK THERE IS BEARING MUCH GREATER FRUIT THAN WE REALIZED!

   Co-Workers! Ought we not to praise God for this? The angels of heaven are shouting for joy over one sinner that repents — and already many have had their minds opened to God's truth, and been convicted, and repented, as a result of this work in Britain — -AS A RESULT OF THE TITHES AND OFFERINGS YOU HAVE PUT INTO GOD'S WORK! And besides several hundreds of precious lives have been converted and baptized in the United States this year.

   Now let me tell you what happened. For twenty-one days after you received my last letter, which I cabled from the ship on the Atlantic Ocean after sailing from England, your response was back up to the regular daily quota — but no more — so that our business office was just barely able to "hang on," desperately, and save us from being cut off the air.

   In my last letter I told you about the network crisis, and how I had telephoned Mr. Mattson, our business manager, from Rome to plead with the network vice president to hold us on the air. We were then five weeks behind — five weeks in which our office had not been able to pay the broadcast expense. I learned from New York that Mr. Mattson had been able to arrange to keep the program on the air only by paying each week promptly PLUS one-tenth of the previous five unpaid broadcasts, until paid out. Now, in addition, in order to keep the network stations on the air thru the summer, Mr. Mattson had been gradually getting behind with XEG, XELO, and XERB and XERF. The last of September they had suddenly demanded that all the unpaid balances be paid immediately, or we would be thrown off the air.

   I want you Co-Workers to know just how near this work has come, and just how close it is this very moment, to being STOPPED — KILLED! This is the crisis we are in!

   Now, in this desperate situation, with XEG, XELO, and XERB expenses double what they were thru the summer (because these stations are reaching out so much stronger again now), and having to pay not only the week-to-week cost, but TEN PERCENT EVERY WEEK IN ADDITION — and with the threat hanging over our heads that if we slip up one single week we will be thrown off the air — YOU CAN SEE THAT IF OUR CO-WORKERS LET UP, AND NOT ENOUGH MONEY COMES IN, IN ANY ONE WEEK, it would prove FATAL to this work!

   With this grim situation threatening us, the past four days have seen an ALARMING falling off in money received.

   I can only hope AND PRAY that this letter can be rushed out to you in time, and that you will once again respond QUICKLY enough, to prevent a week's lapse in meeting these payments — for one single week's lapse right now, and we'll find ourselves OFF THE AIR! The network broadcast cannot be on next Sunday, October 31, unless LARGE AMOUNTS, or actually thousands of small amounts, are rushed to us AIR-MAIL before that date!

   CO-WORKERS, WE MUST HANG ON! DO NOT LET UP IN YOUR INTENSE, EARNEST, PREVAILING PRAYERS FOR GOD'S WORK! God works thru us poor humans. We have our part to do. PRAY, more than ever before! I will send you a more full report soon — I have many thrilling things to tell you — BUT MEANWHILE PRAY, PLEASE, as never before — and send all you can, whether a couple of dollars, or several thousand — whatever God has made possible! GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS!

In Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: October 25, 1954
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