Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
March 23, 1956
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
The terrific pressure of this ever-growing work of God prevented me from sending the usual Co-Worker letter last month. AND THAT HAS GOTTEN THE WORK INTO A DESPERATE CONDITION!
I felt that surely our Co-Workers would know that I was simply over my head with work and responsibilities, and keep up their part. Many of you did! GOD BLESS YOU for your loyalty and sacrifices! But I have learned a sad and stern lesson.
I've learned that unless I keep you informed of the progress, AND THE NEED of the work, that about a third of our Co-Workers either forget all about GOD'S work, or else they assume that when I don't send a desperate, urgent appeal for money we have no need, and so they neglect sending any.
Right now I have only five minutes to tell you the perilous situation this has brought us into. I'm going to tell it to you FAST! Here it is!
The work is now growing faster than ever before — by leaps and bounds! But the Co-Workers — about a third of you — are letting down, and the money to carry it on is dropping off until the continuance of the work is threatened!
The way has just opened up for us to go on a whole national NET-WORK of stations in AUSTRALIA! It's the first time in more than a year that any religious broadcasting has been accepted in Australia. They turn down more than four out of every five Churches or broadcasters that apply for time on their stations. We have sent sample programs to Australia. They have listened to them — and ACCEPTED THEM. We now go on the air over Australia immediately; — if you Co-Workers respond quickly and generously enough to make it possible. Mail has been increasing from listeners in Britain, Europe, South Africa. Also we are now on the air all over CHINA! Something went wrong with our plans to go on Chiang Kai-Shek's "VOICE OF FREE CHINA" super-power radio station on Formosa a year or two ago. But now, at last, WE ARE ACTUALLY ON THE AIR, the program being beamed right thru the Bamboo Curtain, and over Red China, as well as Formosa. My son, Dick, with another ordained minister, George Meeker, are now holding weekly services in London.
The April PLAIN TRUTH rolls off the press in just two or three days — HALF AGAIN LARGER than ever before — 24 pages instead of 16! This means MORE READABLE TYPE — more articles — more pictures and illustrations — an entirely new front cover — new dress — a much finer magazine in every way!
The question is whether there will be enough money to finish paying for it, so we can get it from the publishers and mail it to you! Our fund we have to create in order to go on TV daily is building — but not even HALF fast enough, because too many Co-Workers are neglecting GOD'S WORK! CO-WORKERS, THE CONDITION IS DESPERATE! Unless you respond immediately we might even have to go off the air! I have to ask you to make up for this past month — to send in a DOUBLE AMOUNT if at all possible this next month! PLEASE send IMMEDIATELY by return mail the largest sum you can, at any possible sacrifice! If your larger sum — either tithe or offering — cannot be sent until a little later, why not send even just a smaller amount BY RETURN MAIL, and then send the larger amount as soon as you get it in yourself? A heavy shower of widows' mites would be like a MIRACLE just now — but we DO need, desperately, the larger amounts, too, from those of you who are able — we need offerings up into the thousands!
GOD BLESS YOU! I'm sorry I let other urgent duties crowd out last month's letter — I've been so VERY busy — but I know you'll make up for it now. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart!! — BUT HURRY, PLEASE! Sorry I haven't more time now. Will try to write you a long letter next time!
Urgently, and desperately, in Jesus' name, Herbert W. Armstrong