Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
Queen Mary in Mid-Atlantic July 16, 1956
Dear Co-Workers with Christ in America:
GREETINGS from the Queen Mary in Mid-Atlantic! We are now returning home to America after a very profitable and successful trip through the Holy Land, Europe and Britain.
While on this trip which has been so vital for the Work of God, I have been receiving an entirely NEW concept of the future of this work — which I outlined in the previous letter to you Co-Workers. Since that last letter GOD HAS BEEN MOVING IN A BREATH-TAKING MANNER TO PROVIDE THE FACILITIES FOR TRAINING MUCH-NEEDED FUTURE EVANGELISTS!
As I last wrote, the whole future of God's Work has taken on on A NEW pattern. The Eternal has been revealing that pattern to us on this trip. The Work must — from here on — intensify activity not only in America, but in Britain, Australia and South America — in fact, in ALL THE WORLD!
The imperative need NOW is for large numbers of called, consecrated, fully trained, competent evangelists of personality and speaking power within four or five years to hold every night evangelistic campaigns — to attract, hold and MOVE large audiences! The HARVEST IS PLENTEOUS, but the laborers are TOO FEW. Therefore, I asked you to pray that more laborers be sent us for training.
Things have been happening fast in answer to your prayers. God is moving to supply the need! Applications to Ambassador College already indicate the largest incoming freshman class — but we are outgrowing facilities! SUDDENLY, as if by miracle, the large adjacent estate of Hulett C. Merritt, the wealthiest man on the Pacific coast, who died early this year, has become available! His fabulous estate contains large, magnificently landscaped grounds, together with a 54-room mansion including utility rooms. The building will provide adequate classrooms sufficient to accommodate the anticipated future growth of the College, enabling us to convert the present combination classroom-library-assembly building into an enlarged and adequate library.
This more than DOUBLES the present area of the campus! And the estate provides ground for erecting future buildings when needed.
This entire fabulous property, purchased by Jerry Block and associates from Las Vegas, Nevada, is to be largely DONATED by them to Ambassador College! Meanwhile, I have a cablegram from Vern R. Mattson, our business manager, that another estate owned by the Merritt heirs is being offered for sale at a very reasonable price! This estate, located on the opposite side of the campus from the other estate I just mentioned, comprises the same acreage as our original College property.
This is all opening up to us at a time when the main College property is PAID OUT AND BECOMES CLEARED OF ALL INDEBTEDNESS. Any payments on these additional properties would be less than payments have been on the present property! THINK OF THAT! This means an actual reduction in monthly expenses — while the original main College property is owned clear of debt and now has added campus facilities THREE TIMES THE FORMER SIZE! This is just what we need to expand the Work of God.
If this is not a MIRACLE, what do you call it?
The influx of new students plus providential tripling of the campus facilities JUST WHEN NEEDED, and at no extra expense, is PROOF that God revealed the NEW course of expansion of this work outlined in the preceding letter. God is now moving dramatically to make the enlarged evangelistic crusade possible!
This is a stern CHALLENGE from God to us! Can we now move forward with increased zeal and earnestness, doing our part? The work of God is now in that time of month when income always lags. The need for the rapid expansion of this worldwide work means YOU must redouble your efforts with generous offerings, full tithes and EARNEST PRAYERS! Let me say impassionately to you as the apostle Paul did to the Corinthians;
"What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for YE are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, 'I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.'...Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved," I say to YOU as did the apostle Paul, "let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. RECEIVE US...We want you to know, brethren, about the grace of God which has been shown in the churches of Macedonia, for in a SEVERE TEST of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a WEALTH OF LIBERALITY ON THEIR PART. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and BEYOND THEIR MEANS, of their own free will, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints — and this, not as we expected, but first THEY GAVE THEMSELVES TO THE LORD AND TO US by the will of God...Now as YOU excel in everything — in faith, in utterance, in knowledge, in all earnestness, in your love for us — SEE THAT YOU EXCEL IN THIS GRACIOUS WORK ALSO" (II Cor. 6:16; 7:1-2; 8:1-7).
I beseech you all, as Paul did the Corinthians, to GIVE YOURSELVES first of all to God as His instruments in His work and then we shall launch out on this new and decisive and FINAL WORLD- WIDE PROGRAM, fulfilling the great commission to which we have been called!
We enter NOW the last and final great phase of this greatest work on earth. I am returning with renewed vigor and enthusiasm and with a clear concept of the future course — and with extreme gratitude for so many faithful, loyal, self-sacrificing co-workers!
I asked you all to pray that the super power station WABC in New York, the number one station of the ABC Network, would confirm availability of time for a half-hour broadcast SIX NIGHTS PER WEEK. This prayer has been answered! The WORLD TOMORROW program is now on this KEY New York station nightly!
In Christ's POWER we shall plunge ahead now as never before. REMEMBER the present need is URGENT! This work must INCREASE DAILY! There is no turning back now! All your prayers, your full tithes and your offerings are imperative if we are to reach this world in time! God alone knows all the DANGERS we face in finishing this work — that's WHY your prayers and continuous financial faithfulness are SO IMPORTANT!
Again I repeat, GOD BLESS YOU for your sacrifice, your loyalty and your faithfulness!