Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
August 29, 1957
Dear Co-Worker with Christ:
I have just returned from a very successful trip to Chicago, Detroit, Wheeling, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and Nashville with our new advertising agency president.
We did not get everything we hoped for, but what we did get means a great leap forward in God's great work.
WLS, Chicago, because of its location and exclusive channel, is probably the most important radio station on earth for this work. As you know, we have been on WLS at the late hour of 11:30 PM until midnight Mondays thru Fridays. We were not able, at this time, to have as early an hour as we wanted cleared for us, but the station did move the program up ONE HOUR EARLIER — beginning September 2, 10:30 to 11 PM Mondays thru Fridays, and the same hour as formerly Sunday nights, 8:30 PM. In addition, they cleared an additional half hour for us on Sunday mornings, at 11:00 AM. So now we are on WLS the full SEVEN TIMES PER WEEK.
With this earlier time, we have contracted to purchase a FULL PAGE advertising space, every issue, (twice a month), in PRAIRIE FARMER, a great local farm paper for Illinois, Indiana and Southern Wisconsin. In this large full-page space we are placing a dynamic, interest compelling GOSPEL MESSAGE. This will be read by hundreds of thousands of people in the smaller cities, towns and rural areas of these three agricultural states. These big full-page messages will induce thousands upon thousands of new listeners to listen to the program on WLS every night. It is bound to be the most effective combination for reaching people with the gospel ever yet carried out.
It occurs to me that many of you will want to subscribe to this leading farm paper (which OWNS WLS) so that you can see and read these powerful Gospel Messages in every issue. I didn't think to learn the subscription price, but I presume it is somewhere around $1,00 or $2,00 per year, tho it may be more. You can order a subscription starting with the September 7, issue which will contain our first big page message, by addressing the Prairie Farmer, Prairie Farmer Building, 1230 West Washington Blvd., Chicago 7, Illinois. BE SURE TO TELL THEM YOU ARE A LISTENER TO THE WORLD TOMORROW RADIO PROGRAM, AND WANT TO FOLLOW THRU THESE FULL PAGE MESSAGES.
The manager of Radio Station WLS indicated that he would probably later clear a still earlier time for "The WORLD TOMORROW" program. Keep PRAYING, earnestly, believingly, that God will cause this to be worked out.
We have just recently started on our FIRST CANADIAN STATION — one of the most powerful — the super-power 50,000-watt CKLW of Windsor, Ontario, across the river from Detroit. This is one of the most powerful stations on the North American continent. It is 800 on the dial, and we are on at 6:PM Sundays only at the present. After our personal call there, however, the manager indicated they may clear time for us week nights also within the next two or three months.
At Wheeling, W. Va., where "The WORLD TOMORROW" is the number one rated program on the great 50,000-watt station WWVA, we were most cordially received. We have been on this station every night except Saturday — 6 times a week. Our Sunday night time was too late — 11:15 PM. They were unable, at this time, to clear an earlier Sunday night time, but they did open up for us an additional Sunday morning time — 10:30 Sunday mornings, still retaining the six night programs — now making it SEVEN times a week on WWVA. Scores of listeners to this station from Ohio thru West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and up into New England have been converted and were baptized by our men who toured that section this summer.
In New York an entering wedge was made to put the program on one of the other four major New York stations at an earlier hour every night some time later, but we are still unable to obtain an earlier time on WABC.
However, in New York we called on our over-seas advertising agency, and because surveys have shown "The WORLD TOMORROW" to be the MOST LISTENED-TO PROGRAM in the British Commonwealth of South Africa, our station there, Radio Lourenco Marques, has now offered us one additional half hour every week. So now we are reaching South Africa TWICE a week, instead of once. Also, because we receive the heaviest mail of any program on the small-city network we have been using in Australia, the large national BIG-CITY Net- work of major stations in Australia is now offering us time on their stations! I hope to announce in my next letter that we are on these stations!
My son, Garner Ted Armstrong, whom you hear about twice a week on the air, toured South America this summer with Mr. Benjamin Rea, professor of Spanish Language and Geopolitics at Ambassador College, visiting radio stations, and paving the way for opening our big crusade to reach South America in the SPANISH LANGUAGE. Mr. Rea met me in New York, and, at our overseas advertising agency offices, plans were laid definitely for the beginning of the Spanish Language campaign in South America, beginning the first of January, next year! That is the ONLY continent not yet being reached — altho, of course, there are many NATIONS not yet reached. But GOD'S PROGRAM IS GOING FORTH TO MORE AND MORE NATIONS ALL THE TIME, AND WITH CONSTANTLY INCREASING POWER!
At Baltimore, their big super-power station WBAL, the most important station in the Baltimore-Washington D.C. area, also offered us time — but the only time they could clear right now was 5:00 AM , every morning. We did not buy this. PLEASE PRAY that, as soon as God is ready to have His program on that station, a good early night time will open up for us every night. I feel we will be on that big station soon.
The big important 50,000-watt station WLAC, Nashville, Tenn., opened up the very fine time of 7:PM every week-night. I bought it on the spot, and the program is now on that powerful station every night except Sunday — giving extra strong coverage thru Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. THIS WILL BE A VERY POWERFUL ADDITION to our strong national coverage in the U.S.A.
Yes, GOD'S WORK LEAPS AHEAD AGAIN! Ambassador College started the 1957-58 year yesterday, with BY FAR our largest incoming new class to date — now with a total enrollment of around 165 students! We are seriously overcrowded. We need new buildings. But we can't afford them this year. We cannot even make the alterations necessary to bring our fine new classroom building, AMBASSADOR HALL, up to codes so that the city will permit us to use it. We have one student from England, five from Canada this year!
As always, the one part of this great all-important work that is lagging behind is the income of tithes and offerings to operate such a wonderful activity. This year we are having BY FAR the LARGEST HARVEST OF PRECIOUS HUMAN LIVES CONVERTED of any year so far — many HUNDREDS whose lives have been completely CHANGED — brought to Christ until Christ actually LIVES within them, in Spirit! Oh! if you could only see the beaming happy faces of some of these changed, yielded, consecrated people! After all, THIS is what the tithes and offerings you send in are accomplishing! Truly, it's WONDERFUL, beyond the power of words to describe! God is BLESSING His work in every way!
But again, thousands of you Co-Workers are FORGETTING, or putting off, or growing lax and careless! Dear Co-Workers, SPRING TO ACTION! We're simply going to have to sacrifice MORE! We must try to INCREASE the amounts sent in if we possibly can! Once again the work of God is waiting on YOU, and being slowed down until you respond — as generously as God makes possible! Again the financial need is SERIOUS! Co-Workers, let's SHOW our GRATITUDE TO GOD FOR HIS BLESSINGS ON HIS WORK with our HAPPY, JOYFUL, and LIBERAL generosity of EXTRA offerings, as God makes possible. God bless you for it! — and THANK YOU.
With much LOVE, in Jesus' name, Herbert W. Armstrong