Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
Box 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
March 4, 1960
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
I wanted to write to you before coming to England—but now, alarming news from our business office in Pasadena makes it necessary that I write you an urgent message from London immediately.
First, however, I simply MUST tell you of the surprise our staff over here had awaiting me, and of the progress of the work here.
You know already, of course, that the growth of God's work in Britain has made necessary the establishment of another Ambassador College in England—and how providentially Christ opened to us an almost ready-built college campus when my son Garner Ted and I were here last summer. The college site here is the mansion, buildings and grounds of the late Lord and Lady Yule, who were among the wealthiest people in Europe. The site is only five miles from the edge of London, in the midst of the beautiful, scenic English countryside. When the purchase was made last summer, at astonishingly low price, the grounds had been neglected for two years or more, and were rather overgrown with high grass and weeds.
But when I arrived this time, the majestic grounds had been cleaned up and put in order. Much of the magnificent landscaping had been hidden from view last summer. But God had provided, among our Co-Workers and brethren here, a man well experienced as head gardener over large English estates. He and his assistants have now transformed these beautiful grounds into their original immaculate condition. Last fall we sent over here from Pasadena our head painter, Mr. Elmer Woody, with his wife. He has been cleaning up and renewing much of the housing, and already the stately buildings of Ambassador College, U.K., are looking more like new.
The Principal (Dean) and acting President (in my absence) of the college here will be Mr. Benjamin L. Rea, who is head of the Spanish Department, and has taught Geography and Geopolitics at Ambassador College in Pasadena. He is to receive his Ph.D. degree at a leading university in Mexico this summer. Mr. Rea came with me on this flight, so that we might make all advance arrangements for opening the new college here next October. This is a task of mountainous proportions! Mr. Rea was simply overwhelmed and overjoyed on seeing the fine campus God has provided for HIS college in the country of His "Birthright" people, "Ephraim."
God's work has taken big strides in Britain and Europe. Our staff in our new offices at the college here surprised me last evening with the first copy of The PLAIN TRUTH printed in England. We have reached 15,000 copies here now. It became too expensive, and too slow, to air-freight so many copies from Pasadena. The British edition of The PLAIN TRUTH is exactly like the United States edition, except for different, although nearly identical paper. Already we have applications for admission to the college here from students in Sweden, Australia, Holland, South Africa, Switzerland, Spain and Ireland. The college here will train for positions in God's work not only English students, but others from many parts of the world.
DO YOU REALIZE how this work of God is growing? For almost 27 years—more than a quarter of a century—this great work has continued steadily to grow at the remarkable rate of 30% each year over the accumulated size of the year before. It almost doubles in size and scope every 2« years! I do not know of any work, enterprise, operation, business or activity. commercial or religious, that has grown so rapidly and so consistently.
Back in August, 1933, Mrs. Armstrong and I rejected the tiny salary of $3 per week because the MEN who paid us demanded that we preach and act contrary to God's Word. We saw then that if we were to be free and unshackled to serve God faithfully—to be HIS instruments—we should have to look to HIM, and not to men, for financial support.
We started then from literally NOTHING! It took courage. It took FAITH! But God provided, very little at first—always the bare NEED and no more, as He has promised. We still trust HIM ALONE to this day. The NEED still is pressing! But as God uses us as His instruments in speaking, broadcasting, writing, teaching, so also He supplies financial need through YOU CO-WORKERS! He also has called YOU as HIS INSTRUMENTS. You have YOUR part as much as I have mine!.
LOOK what God has developed for His work TODAY!
TODAY we have our own offices on the new Ambassador College campus just outside London, in England. Already it is staffed with some 14 English workers beside our American men. TODAY we have this fine college, with its 30 acres of magnificent grounds, its stately 33-room main building, now re-named RICHARD D. ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL HALL, in memory of the elder son of Mrs. Armstrong and me, who was one of God's consecrated and able ministers, and, just purchased on this trip, we have a splendid adjoining assembly hall, beside many other finely constructed buildings for student dormitories, staff residences, and offices.
TODAY we have offices in Sydney, Australia, staffed already with three competent men trained in Ambassador College. Also there is the 350-acre Texas project, with its elementary school and high school.
TODAY Christ's own Gospel is being thundered around the world, on every continent, on more than 9 million watts of radio power every week! This reaches a cumulative audience of more than FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE every week! Can your mind grasp the magnitude of that?
TODAY some 21,000 students are studying God's own Bible Correspondence Course. TODAY Ambassador College in Pasadena has reached the originally-planned limit of 250 students. Now we face the problem of whether to raise this limit to 500.
TODAY The PLAIN TRUTH has grown from a home-made mimeographed paper with a circulation of about 250 copies to a professional-appearing 32-page magazine of 225,000 copies in the United States beside 15,000 of the British edition printed in London, every month. These now carry 32 pages of GOSPEL TRUTH, with news analysis and prophecy, to more than a half million readers all over the world!
Yes, THINK OF IT! What a growth in power and scope that is!
TODAY, this is a dynamic world-wide FORCE, empowered by the SPIRIT OF GOD, changing more lives from carnality and sin into righteous Spirit-led lives than any other work or activity, in all probability, in the past 18« centuries! This work is criticized, opposed, persecuted, spoken against, just as Jesus' own preaching was!—just as God's Church was in apostolic days! BUT IT IS GOD-EMPOWERED, and GOD KEEPS MULTIPLYING IT IN POWER AND FORCE!
You and I are merely GOD'S INSTRUMENTS. Yet He can use us only if we yield, submit, are willing to sacrifice other things and desires for it, and exert all our own energy to push ahead as He leads!
And so I have to take you into my confidence and tell you what a tremendous RESPONSIBILITY this places on you and me! God has called YOU as a Co-Worker with me and with Christ in this work, to SHARE this great responsibility with me.
TODAY Christ's own Gospel goes out IN PRINT in a page and a third in Capper's Farmer every month to some 2 or 3 million readers all over the United States. TODAY this Gospel Message, in two full pages of Reader's Digest, British edition, reaches EIGHT MILLION readers in the British Isles. Actual surveys show that this magazine is read by one in five of the entire adult population in the United Kingdom! ALSO, in the Australian and the New Zealand editions, two pages every month reach about one in every FOUR of the adult population! THIS IS POWERFUL PREACHING TO VAST MASSES!
TODAY, in addition to my own broadcast, with my son Garner Ted Armstrong also speaking, The WORLD TOMORROW program reaches Spain and South American nations in the SPANISH language; we now broadcast via Radio Luxembourg, German beam, in the GERMAN language, by a German man trained in Ambassador College and consecrated to God's service, to all German-speaking peoples of Europe. Today, on the world's most powerful station, we send a half hour program every week across the Iron Curtain into RUSSIA in the Russian language, beside my own half hour every week in English.
TODAY we have many or all of our booklets translated and printed in Spanish, German, and French, and work has begun translating them into Russian. We are almost ready to begin broadcasting to France and eastern Canada in the French language.
The booklets are translated into Italian and Swedish, and more are on the way. We have also printed our first booklet in Ilocano for the Philippine Islands, and two are being prepared for printing in Bantu for Africa.
This remarkable and continuous 30% increase in power and scope every year also obligates us to a 30% increase every year in necessary EXPENDITURES! Since my last letter, our Head and Leader, Jesus Christ, has opened two more gigantic super-power radio doors—the 50,000-watt CBS station KIRO in Seattle, and also the most powerful station in the largest city in the south, 50,000-watt KTRH in Houston. Constantly Christ is expanding this work!
CO-WORKERS! LISTEN! I have just had an urgent telephone call from our business office in Pasadena. They asked me to HURRY—to RUSH this letter. The income for the work has suddenly fallen down actually lower than any time in two years—and two years ago the expenditure obligations were not much more than HALF the present necessity! Here I am, clear across the Atlantic ocean, over here in England with Mr. Rea and our staff here, rushing plans to open Ambassador College, U.K., next October.
THIS IS ALARMING NEWS! I have to ask you to COME TO THE RESCUE IMMEDIATELY! We are working almost night and day to carry on OUR PART of God's tremendous work. I have to ask YOU, as Co-Workers with CHRIST, to sacrifice—to HELP and keep on helping— to RUSH to our aid, and mail the largest special offerings God has made possible to Box 111, in Pasadena, California—and send it AIR mail if possible! Let's keep this crusade of Christ ROLLING, bigger and bigger!
I trust GOD to supply every need. But God does not go into the counterfeiting business and by miracles bring new dollar bills, hundred dollar bills, or thousand dollar bills into being and hand them to us for His work. GOD WORKS THROUGH HUMAN INSTRUMENTS. In supplying necessary, funds for His great work, GOD WORKS THROUGH YOU! He has called YOU, through your honestly paid tithes and generous offerings beside, to have YOUR part in His work.
I have given you a brief summary, in this letter, of what God IS ACCOMPLISHING through His servants with His money He provides for you to contribute. The results of this God-empowered work are simply OVERWHELMING!
Now God expects YOU to be faithful in YOUR part to which He has called you! Therefore, as His minister, I have to acquaint you with this need and your responsibility—even as God had Moses do back in his day, and the Apostle Paul in New Testament days. And now I shall intercede for you in earnest PRAYER, asking God in faith to PROVIDE for you, and lay it on your heart to respond generously AS He has provided. God pours out rich blessings beyond our expectations when we respond faithfully in HIS WORK! This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING ON EARTH TODAY!
Remember, AIR-MAIL gets it through to our office quicker! THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers. God will bless you!
With real LOVE, in Jesus' name, Herbert W. Armstrong