November 27, 1981  
November 27, 1981 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong 

a magazine of understanding



November 27, 1981

Dear PLAIN TRUTH Subscriber:

   As founder and Editor in Chief of The PLAIN TRUTH, I want to write you personally about the very serious world problems at the minute, and what I find lies immediately ahead that will concern us all, as never before.
   I'm writing from my private aircraft high over the Atlantic Ocean, returning to Pasadena from London and important visits with world leaders in Europe and the Middle East. The vital CENTER of world troubles that will affect YOUR life from now in the immediate months ahead is due to erupt in the Middle East and Europe.
   A week ago yesterday, Thursday, November 19, I had a personal meeting with President Yitzhak Navon of Israel in Jerusalem, and the night before I was guest of honor at a banquet hosted by Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem. Present also were former Mayor John Lindsay of New York City, and Jacob Rothschild of London. Last Saturday I had a private meeting with the new President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in his palace in Cairo. A year ago I had a personal meeting in Giza Palace in Cairo with President Anwar Sadat, who was so recently assassinated. I heard all details of the assassination from President Sadat's chief adviser, Dr. Mohammed Hatem, President of the National Council of Egypt, and also, three days ago from Mrs. Jihan Sadat, now widow of the late president. She and two of her grandchildren, and also Dr. Hatem, were in the reviewing stand at the time of the fatal assassination. Mrs. Sadat's maid instantly pushed her and her two grandchildren down to the floor at the first shot, and probably saved their lives. A little 1 1/2-year-old grandson came into the salon during my visit with her and kissed me on the cheek. I mention this only because I felt you might like to hear of so personal an incident.
   The new President Mubarak assured me he intends to continue President Sadat's efforts for Middle East peace, and he may be sealing his own fate in so doing — for both certain Arab neighbors and the Kremlin are in sinister opposition to that peace program.
   Yesterday morning in Munich, West Germany, I had an hour-and-a-half personal meeting with the "Strong Man of Europe," Dr. Franz Josef Strauss. He has visited me in my home in Pasadena. Two days ago he had a private meeting in Bonn, West Germany, with President Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Union. Dr. Strauss is probably the best informed man in Europe on European and Middle East conditions of the moment. He is author of the well-known book The Grand Design, outlining his program for a United States of Europe. Biblical prophecy says this union of European nations will now very soon occur, resurrecting the medieval Holy Roman Empire.
   The nations of Europe have desired such a union, as ONE COMBINED WORLD POWER. It would be perhaps greater in power than either the Soviet Union or the United States. I have long felt that Franz Josef Strauss is the most logical man to head such a giant world power. It is foretold in prophecy in Revelation 17. It can be brought about only through the Roman Catholic Church, and Dr. Strauss is a favorite of the Vatican.
   An ecumenical union between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches could well precede such a union of nations into one super, combined nation.
   With me on this trip is my executive assistant, Mr. Robert Fahey, and also the head of our world news bureau, Mr. Gene Hogberg. In Mr. Hogberg's office in Pasadena, California, are researchers of world news and the same teletypes of the Associated Press, Reuters and International News Service used by metropolitan daily newspapers and news bureaus of network television companies. Our news observers and analysts in the Editorial Department of The PLAIN TRUTH, such as Mr. Hogberg, visit world capitals and national leaders to keep our writers informed on the changing scene of world events as they fulfill biblical prophecy. The PLAIN TRUTH writers and editors are all knowledgeable of Bible prophecies and graduates of Ambassador College, with majors in theology, and have biblical understanding.
   In the UNDERSTANDING of biblical prophecies, coupled with up-to-the-minute grasp of world happenings, The PLAIN TRUTH stands alone, and for 47 years has been "ahead of its time."
   We are living now in the most serious and frightening days of human history. Prophecy calls it "the time of the end." After my hour-and-a-half talk with Franz Josef Strauss I am more convinced than ever that events are poised right now, ready to strike unexpectedly, which will DUMBFOUND the world into shock and wonder! People seem unmindful and asleep to THE FACT that for the first time in history the nuclear weapons exist that can snuff out the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of this earth. That includes YOURS! God has a way of protection for His people. YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT! Jesus Christ said these END-TIME frightful events will happen SUDDENLY, unexpectedly, when people do not heed the warning, like animals caught unawares in a snare.
   You need to KEEP INFORMED as only The PLAIN TRUTH can inform you.
   Some people ask, "How can you publish such a fine magazine without subscription price or advertising revenue? Where's the catch? Are you a wealthy philanthropic organization with unlimited funds?" No, we are NOT a wealthy organization, and there is no catch — no gimmick. But we NEVER BEG THE PUBLIC FOR CONTRIBUTIONS, either on television, radio or our publications. But thousands of co-workers BELIEVE in the work the living Jesus Christ is doing in and through us, and have voluntarily, on their own initiative, become co-workers, having their part with us in this most important work on earth today. Candidly, we welcome co-workers, but by no means are they solicited. They know it is TRUE, as Jesus said, "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive." We practice the way of GIVING, and the living God does bless us in it! So THANK YOU from the heart for allowing us the blessing of GIVING to you!
   Now I have a most important new booklet with full-color illustrations, that I sincerely want you to have. As always, it's FREE for the asking. Its title is Never Before Understood — Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils. It begins: "Today nuclear weapons threaten human extinction. WHY? What happens now? WHY do we lack the know-how to solve world troubles?"
   It goes on to show you a new, eye-opening originaI CAUSE for the astounding paradox — 20th-century AWESOME progress and achievement — yet APPALLING evils, violence, general discontent, unhappiness, human suffering and wretchedness!
   Believe me, IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES to something you never realized before! You may have your free copy, gratis, which I have set aside for you, for the asking.
   And if you did not order the 196-page full book I offered some seven months ago, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, showing where the United States and British nations are mentioned in biblical prophecies, and what is to befall our own beloved countries VERY SOON, be sure to order it also. Of course it is FREE — and I mean FREE! It is ASTOUNDING truth! It's the KEY to understanding all PROPHECY — and a third of the Bible is devoted to prophecy. You CAN KNOW what now lies immediately ahead!
   THANK YOU sincerely, for allowing us the blessing of GIVING to you. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your reply. Use it before you lay this letter down.

Most sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

P.S. By the way, our managing editor just came into my office (I have now returned to Pasadena) and asked for a new policy on a new magazine we started publishing this year for youths, ages 12 to 19. I remember a magazine called, I believe, Youths' Home Companion, when I was a boy. I feel our new magazine YOUTH 81, which will be YOUTH 82 starting January, is a better magazine for teenagers than the one I knew as a boy, although it is as yet not as large. Let me add here, if you have children or grandchildren of that age who would like to see a copy, we should be happy to send a free copy. If the youth or youths like it, a year's subscription would then be sent on request--NO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, of course. It is really an attractive magazine, and will be increased in size through the coming year.

Publication Date: November 27, 1981
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