Know The Answer?
On what day did the holy spirit come on the disciples?
The day of Pentecost.

Acts 2
The Wonderful World Tomorrow - What It Will Be Like
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The Wonderful World Tomorrow - What It Will Be Like
Herbert W Armstrong & Garner Ted Armstrong  

It's GOING TO SOUND INCREDIBLE to you - yet it is SURE! This advance news of Tomorrow is accurate! It's as CERTAIN as the rising of tomorrow's sun! It's the BIG NEWS - of WORLD PEACE, HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY, worldwide abundant living! We're going to take a calm look at the facts, conditions, trends - and causes - in today's changing world! And then a surprised, exciting look into the transformed wonderful WORLD TOMORROW! We're going to see what's just ahead - and why! Today there are three views - two widely held by world leaders. Only one is going to happen! And it's the best BIG NEWS ever reported in the history of mankind! What is actually going to be the OUTCOME of all this exciting, entertainment crazed, gadget-buying, yet chaotic, divided and sick world is something totally unseen by statesmen, scientists, educators, world leaders.

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Publication Date: 1966
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