Know The Answer?
What was Joshua promised if he obeyed the commandments?

Joshua 1:8
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As a motion picture, the world acclaimed "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS." As the Law of God, some people have loved, others have hated, and all have transgressed THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. They have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified, and some, by human arguments, have tried to "do away with" them. A small few of the obedient have experienced the BLESSINGS they can bring. David said, "O HOW LOVE I THY LAW!" and called it perfect; Paul called it holy, just and good; Jesus honored, magnified, obeyed, and commanded obedience to THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. But to most people they remain an enigma that has never been UNDERSTOOD. Here is the answer to the request of thousands - a book EXPLAINING PLAINLY this inexorable LIVING law - soon to become the BASIC LAW of the peaceful, prosperous, joyful WORLD TOMORROW!

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Publication Date: 1968
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