CHAPTER I: GOD CONTROLS DESTINIES OF ALL NATIONS Evolution The Big Hoax Antiquity of Evolutionary Theory Evolution The Atheist's Religion Points Which Baffle the Evolutionists Mutations But No Transmutations Evolution Is it Reasonable? One Cannot Produce Anything Greater Than Oneself God Infinite Man Finite Bible and True Science Agree Evolutionists Believe in Miracles The Three Primary Branches of Mankind History Attests to the Three Races How to Determine Race Cephalic Index Helpful in Determining Racial Affinities Craniometry Verses Phrenology Means of Determining Race According to Haddon Which is the Superior Type? Acquired Characteristics Not Inherited
CHAPTER II: EARLY HISTORY OF ISRAEL The Origin of "Jew" Israel's Captivities as Mentioned in the Cuneiform Inscriptions Important Assyrian Inscriptions Israel's First Invasion Israel's Second Invasion Cuneiform Account of the Second Invasion Israel's Third and Final Invasion The Area to Which Israel was Deported The Population of Israel in 741-721 B.C. The Land of Israel's Captivities Only Judah and Benjamin Return The Dispersion The Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad Should We Seek the "Lost Sheep"? The Two-Faced Samaritans Israelites? What Became of These Teeming Millions? Israel to be Sifted Among the Nations
CHAPTER: III PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY ISRAELITES "Lost Ten Tribes" Were They Aryan Nordics? Were the Original Israelites Like the "Typical Jew"? The Israelites Were Predominantly Nordics Blond Israelites Called Amorites Men of Judah and Benjamin Were Nordics Judah and Benjamin Called "Amorites" Laban The Blond Syrian Names Always had a Meaning Sarah was "Very Fair" David was Ruddy and Fair Some Jews are Ruddy, with Black Hair Esther A Fair Person Job's Daughter A Blonde People of Israel Were White and Ruddy
CHAPTER IV: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DYNASTIC NAME OF OMRI (GHOMRI) Bit-Khumri (The House of Omri) Behistun Rock Inscriptions Key to Israel's Identity Variations of The Name "Omri" Omri Pronounced as Ghomri Israel Called Cimmerians, Gimiri and Cymry
CHAPTER V: THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CELTS Celts also Called Gauls Many Gauls (and Some Galatians) Were Israelites Dispersed Israelites Were "Golah" or "Gaulah" The Origin of "Gaul" an Enigma Who Were the Gauls The Origin of the Galatians Gauls and Galatians Who Were the Germani? The Alpine Germans The Keltic Germani The Germans Came From the Caucasus Gauls and Belgic Tribes Were Called "Germani" "The Patriarchal Square-Heads" Early Scandinavian History The Great Odin Odin and Adon The Origin of the Goths Gothic Racial Characteristics
CHAPTER VI: THE SERPENT'S TRAIL Dan A Great Seafaring People The Lacedemonian Greeks Were Danites Jewish High Priest Acknowledges Kinship to the Lacedemonian Greeks Early Scottish-Irish History The Five Colonies The Tribe of Dan The Milesian Scots The Problem of the Picts Ancient Irish History Jeremiah Ollamh Fodhla Judah The Regal Tribe Jewish Princesses in Egypt Jeremiah in Ireland The Red Hand of Ulster Scottish-Irish Settlers "From Israel" Significance of The Declaration of Arbroath Origin of the Tartan The Origin of the Saxons The Sons of Isaac The "I" has Been Dropped The Anglo-Saxons Descendants of Shem Who Were the Sacae?
CHAPTER VII: THE SCYTHIANS Most of the Scyths Were Israelites The Israelites Were Tent (Succoth) Dwellers The Territorial Extent of Scythia Scythopolis in Palestine Scyths Second Great Branch to Enter Europe Scythian Origins Sarmatians Third Branch to Enter Europe Sarmatian Origins The Scythian Massagetae Darius Invades European Scythia Scythian Customs Scythians Experts in Warfare The Frozen Tombs of Siberia Israel's Crimean Gravestones Racial Characteristics of the Scythians Scythian Race Analysis by Minns Similar Evidence by Rice Coon's Analysis of Scythian Crania
MAPS Map I: The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Map II: The Assyrian Empire (7th Century B.C.)
Map III: Scythia