Rejoice in God's Sabbath! Rejoice in God's Sabbath!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  March 1969

You need to know HOW to keep the Sabbath as God intended! Here are the ANSWERS to vital questions about the Sabbath that many of you have asked. YOU MAY be missing out on some of the greatest blessings of life through ignorance! In this chaotic, hell-bent age in which we live, man NEEDS a right unde ...

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Rejoice in God's Sabbath! Rejoice in God's Sabbath!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  December 1957

YOU need to know HOW to keep the Sabbath as God intended! Here are the ANSWERS to vital questions about the Sabbath that many of you have recently asked. YOU MAY be missing out on some of the greatest blessings of life through ignorance! In this chaotic, hell-bent age in which we live, man NEEDS a r ...

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Rejoice in Gods Sabbath! Rejoice in Gods Sabbath!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  December 1962

You need to know HOW to keep the Sabbath as God intended! Here are the ANSWERS to vital questions about the Sabbath that many of you have recently asked. You MAY be missing out on some of the greatest blessings of life through ignorance! In this chaotic, hell-bent age in which we live, man NEEDS a r ...

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Religious MARTYRS in This 20th Century? Religious MARTYRS in This 20th Century?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1965

Where is the current "Ecumenical Movement" leading us? Will it bring another religious persecution? Fantastic as it seems, the greatest religious martyrdom in history is prophesied for this generation! It lies just ahead! Not in far-off Asia or Africa - but in Western Europe and America. T ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1983

Is modern society really going to get better? What lies ahead in our moral and spiritual future? You may be in for a shock! What is really going to happen over the next decade or two? Are we going to witness a spiritual revival of brotherly love among men and nations- and therefore a sharp decline i ...

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Religious REVIVAL in This 20th Century? Religious REVIVAL in This 20th Century?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1957

Is the present increased interest in religion leading to a genuine spiritual revival? Read the surprising answer given in your BIBLE! Thousands have supposedly been "converted" in the last few years through attending numerous "revival meetings." But how long do they stay converte ...

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Review of God's Holy Days Review of God's Holy Days
Roderick C Meredith  -  Sermon   -  1979

30 years ago this month and it was just exactly 30 years ago this month, I came to Ambassador College and began to learn a few things to say the least. One day after I had been here just, I guess 5 or 6 days, something like that, why we woke up on a Saturday morning up in Altadena and I was staying ...

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REVIVAL in Our Time? REVIVAL in Our Time?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1959

Are Americans really getting better as a nation? What lies AHEAD in our moral and spiritual future? What about hopes for "revival in our time"? Despite increased church attendance and general interest in religion, mass TERRORISM is daily increasing in America! Within the last few years, gr ...

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Riots in East Germany what do they mean? Riots in East Germany what do they mean?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1953

Russia is losing out in East Germany. A unified Germany looms as the leader of the United States of Europe which is NOW forming right before our eyes! Bloody revolt has been taking place in East Germany. It is destined to affect your life! Fed up with the communist "worker's paradise," t ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 13, 1979

During Tuesday's all-day service in the Hall of Administration, Mr. Rod Meredith explained the intent and meaning of Romans 13 regarding our being "subject unto the higher powers," and how Paul's instruction specifically applies to our present confrontation with the state of California. Here are ...

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Romans 8:30 - Them He Also Glorified Romans 8:30 - Them He Also Glorified
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  July 1976

After being justified, the apostle Paul says Christians are to be "glorified" (Rom. 8:30). How? What does it mean, really? Is this just some spiritual-sounding "fluff-fluff" about a nebulous existence in a never-never land with nothing to do? The true answer is perhaps the most exciting rea ...

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See the BIGGER Tabernacle! See the BIGGER Tabernacle!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  June 1959

Everywhere members are planning to see the BIGGER Tabernacle this autumn at the Feast of Tabernacles. Here's how you can afford to be there, too! HOW joyous the coming Feast of Tabernacles will be. What a tremendous inspiration and blessing it will be to see the BIGGER Tabernacle and meet the thou ...

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Seven Seven "Keys" To Mental Mastery
Roderick C Meredith  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

Here's how to think "BIG"! How to have real wisdom to make the right decisions. Read and USE these vital principles. ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1966

Here's how to think "BIG"! How to have real wisdom to make the right decisions. Read and USE these vital principles. Authorities now confess to "giant blunders" in coping with the twin threats of famine and over population and the growing danger of a hydrogen-bomb war. And that ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1969

Should you be sick - or feel only "half alive"? You need to understand the WAY to a healthier, more dynamic life! Did you realize that some thirty million Americans are yearly spending time in a hospital - 1,500,000 on any one day? Did you know that nearly half of all Americans, over eight ...

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