The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to The Law Before Moses The Law Before Moses
Herbert W Armstrong - HA537A

And now we're going through one of the prophecies in the Bible. Now we're going through prophecies that tell us what is going to happen in the next few years from now, the immediate present, and the immediate future and the time that you're going to live into and to live through, you know if y ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 1 The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Ancient Rome, triumphal marches, processions, parades, the Emperors and the Generals, tens of thousands of citizens and a huge army, a beautiful column building, lieutenants, chariot races, the coliseum, the grandiose splendor that was Rome, the cities of ancient Greece in the Mediterranean world of ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 2 The Life and Times of Jesus - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Most people would say it hasn't changed much. They would say that the holy land, especially the Arab-occupied portions of modern Israel near the West Bank looked pretty much today just like they looked during the time of Christ, a few Arab nomads in tents and Tora Adobe huts, a dry barren, arid la ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 1 The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Just think before we had an opportunity to find out why we're here, we learned how to annihilate ourselves from the face of the earth. Now, that's the ultimate irony, isn't it? Mankind has arrived at the place of the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge, a kind of knowledge ho ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 2 The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

How can we say we're really educated if we do not know what, why, and who we are? If we don't know why we're on the earth, if we don't know what is our individual purpose, if we don't know what human life is all about? Ironically, as I was saying, last time we have now come to the educated ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Modern Romans The Modern Romans
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1976

And greeting friends around the world, news you hear in this world today is not usually very good. And whether you're talking about the presidential election year and the millions of wavering voters wondering what's going to happen in the economy in 1977 or at the nuclear arms race, the Middle E ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Narrow Way The Narrow Way
Herbert W Armstrong - May 15, 1979

You know, I used to say, well, all of these churches can't be wrong, you can't tell me that they're all wrong, these are the churches of Christ - of course they are. Of course, they may be a little bit divided - one believes one thing and another another, along certain lines, but then does tha ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Nation of the Jews - Jeremiah 31 The Nation of the Jews - Jeremiah 31
Herbert W Armstrong - HA228A

My friends, did Israel ever cease from being a nation? Now, most people think that the Jewish people are Israel, all there is of Israel. And of course, they've gone back to Palestine now and they have the nation, they call Israel over there, but they were not a nation 50 years ago or 100 years ago ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Occult Explosion - Part 1 The Occult Explosion - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

In this age of Lunar Landing, Skylab, the technology and science millions have, it seems, lost their heads over demonism, satanism, witchcraft, and the occult. This is the age of the dawning of Aquarius and the age of the waning of science or at least so it seems with millions upon millions of peopl ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Occult Explosion - Part 2 The Occult Explosion - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

I could be looking into the daily newspaper to find out whether I ought to do this program. After the last one, I did on the subject of demonism, satanism, witchcraft, and astrology. In other words, the occult. I'm not, I don't consult astrological columns, but it's big business these days. As ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Occult Explosion - Part 3 The Occult Explosion - Part 3
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

You probably grew up thinking that a witch was an ugly old hag with black clothing and a ragged hat that flew about from chimney to chimney, riding a broomstick and wondering, as we joke about, where to park the thing when she went indoors. I suppose I should be saying about this time, things like w ...View Transcript

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Listen to The One True Church The One True Church
Herbert W Armstrong - HA507A

Did you ever wonder which is the One True Church today? Or is there any that is the One True Church? Jesus Christ had said; "...I will build my church..." (Matthew 16:18). Today we have hundreds and hundreds of different sects and denominations in our western world, and, of course, we have many, man ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Parable of the Sower The Parable of the Sower
Herbert W Armstrong - June 05, 1979

Behold, a sower went forth to sow: and it came to pass, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside, and the birds came and devoured it. And others fell on the rocky ground, where it had not much earth [not much depth of any kind or was no good soil]; and straightway it sprang up, because it had ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Parable of the Tares The Parable of the Tares
Herbert W Armstrong - June 11, 1979

Now, "Another parable he set before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away." Now, here again, it is the Kingdom and it's the Kingdom of God. Is He talking, ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Purpose Being Worked Out Here Below The Purpose Being Worked Out Here Below
Herbert W Armstrong - April 27, 1979

My friends, one of the most shocking things that can possibly happen is to wake up to find out that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not what we have believed at all and that we have not heard it. And that what we have believed is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says and what Jesus actually taug ...View Transcript

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