Well it's about time that we began to learn which is the right Church - of all these churches, of all these church denominations. You know we go along taking them for granted and very few, except to be a little bewildered, once in a while stop to ask, "Which is the right Church and how can we find ...
NBC News asked me, "Do you believe the world is going to end soon?" I had to say, "No, I don't. And as a matter of fact, the gospel of Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with the end of the world." Oh no, that's gonna be like a cold shower to some people. Why them fighting words, didn't ...
My friends if someone would ask you what is a Christian how would you answer; do you know just what a Christian is? We hear the general definition that a Christian is one who follows Christ. The most amazing thing that we could possibly get into today is to open up the New Testament and to see what ...
Why is it my friends that you have not heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ but rather a message of men, a gospel of men about His person but not the message that Christ Himself brought and preached? Now, do you know that that message was not the message of Christ either, so far as that is concerne ...
And greetings friends, this is Herbert W. Armstrong with the good news of the World Tomorrow. Once again, let me ask this question, "Where did Christmas come from?" Many of you are going to be absolutely shocked and surprised when you learn the truth about Christmas. Did it come from the Bible, or d ...
And now, once again, we're going through this little understood book in the Bible. Where has Jesus Christ been these last 1900 years? You hear a lot about what he did for 3 1/2 years and about a dead Christ on the cross. You don't hear very much about what he's doing today, what he was doing 1 ...
The news today is mostly violence all over the world. The world today is filled with violence in a number of spots. Little hot wars are flaring up in both sides of a divided world. Stockpiles of atomic and hydrogen bombs are piling up along with the guided missiles to send them and deliver them anyw ...
Why do the churches of traditional Christianity observe Sunday? The people of the Muslim religion, the entire Arab world, observe Friday, and the Jewish people, of Judaism the religion of Judaism, observe Saturday. There is one God, and yet we have so many religions and so many beliefs. There is one ...
Where is the original true church today? Now, Jesus Christ had said, when he was on earth, "I will build my church," and he did build it. But he didn't say churches. He didn't say many different denominations, everyone speaking something different. He said one church, and it is one body, and the ...
Could anything be more incredible than the fact that of all the world's religions, of all of the hundreds of different denominations in a so-called Christianity today, only one church, and that a small one - that Jesus Christ called 'the little flock' - a persecuted church that is the only one ...
Do you know that of all of the religions, including Christianity in all of its sects and denominations, except the one original true church, not one of them knows who or what God is! And yet, religion is the worship of God. It's like the apostle Paul who was taken up to Mars Hill, the court of Are ...
Have you ever heard a message about angels? Do you believe that they exist? I'm certain that no scientist ever told you anything about an angel. No astronomer ever saw one in a telescope, and no chemist ever saw one in a microscope, I'm sure. But you do read of them in the Bible. Now who are ang ...
The best of the big news you can hear is that humankind will survive, that wars will be outlawed, that there will be a system of controls and inspection, and that war, the material for war, will be abolished from the surface of this earth. Vast agrarian reforms, linguistic reforms, education for the ...
You today are living in a shocking world, a frightening world, a different world than the one your parents knew. Suddenly it seems everything at every extreme is occurring and almost daily. Well, what is the meaning of these seemingly unrelated different events from the level of personal experience ...
My friends, why is it that Jesus spoke in parables so that the people could not understand? Now, we've always supposed, of course, most people have, that the reason that Jesus Christ spoke in parables was to make the meaning more clear - to sort of illustrate it so people would understand better. ...