Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S FACE this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God merely a myth — an invention of an ignorant, superstitious past? Many today assume this. ...
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S FACE this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God merely a myth - an invention of an ignorant, superstitious past? Many today assume this. ...
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S face this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God a myth - an invention of ignorant, superstitious past? Many have asked me these questions. An athe ...
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S face this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God a myth - an invention of ignorant, superstitious past? Many have asked me these questions. An athe ...
Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power? LET'S FACE this question! Is it rational to believe in God? Is God merely a myth - an invention of an ignorant, superstitious past? Many today assume this. ...
Is the day of miracles PAST? We read in the New Testament that when Jesus Christ was on earth 1900 years ago, He HEALED THE SICK. And it seems there are so MANY MORE sick today than there were then. Well, is the day of miracles past? WHAT ABOUT this thing we call divine healing? I've encountered s ...
HERE is an astounding revelation, making plain which days the inspired New Testament Church observed - revealing when pagan holidays... Sunday, Christmas, Easter, New Year's Day... first crept into the Church! This is a sequel to Mr. Armstrong's challenging booklet, "Pagan Holidays or God's Ho ...
"Killer Quake Strikes Thousands Die!" Such headlines appear regularly as earthquakes devastate our globe. Scientists are becoming concerned. Many feel the next big quake to strike a populated, highly mechanized area may do BILLIONS of dollars damage; thousands may be killed. One study disc ...
"Killer Quake Strikes - Thousands Die!" Such head-lines appear regularly as earthquakes devastate our globe. Scientists are becoming concerned. Many feel the next big quake to strike a populated, highly mechanized area may do BILLIONS of dollars damage; thousands may be killed. One study d ...
WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask your self that question. You have been taught since childhood to accept Easter as the chief of the Christian holidays. You have supposed it is part of the true Christian religion to observe ...
The Resurrection was not on Easter Sunday! Easter is not a Christian name, but the title of the idolatrous "queen of heaven." Here's the true origin and meaning of Lent, Easter eggs, hot cross buns! WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped ...
WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask your self that question. You have been taught since childhood to accept Easter as the chief of the Christian holidays. You have supposed it is part of the true Christian religion to observe ...
What are YOU most concerned about? Is it the threat of hydrogen bomb WAR that can blast all human life from off this planet? Is it the race to conquer SPACE? MOST are concerned not about these issues but about making ends meet. THINK OF IT! In the industrial nations about 25% of parents are "farming ...
What are YOU most concerned, about? If you are an average American it is not the threat of hydrogen bomb WAR that can blast all human life from off this planet. It is not the race to conquer SPACE, nor even the fact of RUSSIA'S lead in the guided-MISSILE RACE! No, the average American is MOST conc ...
What are YOU most concerned about? If you are an average American it is not the threat of hydrogen bomb WAR that can blast all human life from off this planet. It is not the race to conquer SPACE, nor even the war in VIETNAM! The average American is MOST concerned about making ends meet. This astoni ...