
Listen to  The Purpose Here Below The Purpose Here Below
Herbert W Armstrong - October 9, 1982 - Last Great Day

Well greetings all you wonderful Brethren all over the United States and Canada, and the United States includes Alaska and Hawaii, but here we are the last service of the last day; "The Last Great Day" of eight days of the seven day Feast of Tabernacles in this great day following and it's very gr ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Purpose of Faith The Purpose of Faith
Arthur C Mokarow - December 12, 1977

Well good morning to everyone. Just as we were leaving the house this morning, we have a cat and his name is Toby and I'm going to talk to you today about Toby the cat. And he was a cat that we inherited, he was a wildcat, of course he was a kitten initially and a, that happens. And so Toby as we ...

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Listen to  The Real Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles The Real Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles
Raymond F McNair - September 27, 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good afternoon Brethren, certainly good to be here again at the Feast of Tabernacles in the Lake of the Ozark. I had the privilege of being here, I think it was 2 years ago, and at that time I got to speak at the Dells and finally in Big Sandy that same year, so certainly a privilege to be here once ...

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Listen to  The Real Purpose of the Church The Real Purpose of the Church
Herbert W Armstrong - 1982

I would like to ask this afternoon and also to answer: why the church? Why should there be the church? There are churches all over the Western world. They're attended every Sunday by a good section of the population. Do most people realize why there should be a church, or do they just take it for ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Sabbath The Sabbath
Dean C Blackwell - 1978

I find some of us have, as I had for years, had old-fashioned ideas about the Sabbath. And it came, as the old idea about makeup did, from misunderstanding passages of scriptures, which we can understand better now because of more thorough study and research into them. I want to turn back and read I ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Sabbath Question The Sabbath Question
Herbert W Armstrong - October 23, 1981

The nation is in the doldrums. The world is in the doldrums, and in violence, and trouble. This nation is now in a recession. There's no question about it. I see even the government in the White House has finally admitted it this week, and there may be worse times coming. Now God has been holding ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Sacrifice of Our Passover The Sacrifice of Our Passover
John H Ogwyn - Passover

Brethren, we are very close to the Passover, we're less than a week away and it is appropriate at this time of year we begin to focus our attention on different aspects relating to the Spring Festivals. Now the last time I was with you I focused more on the subject of unleavening and what God woul ...

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Listen to  The Seven Eras of the Old Testament Church The Seven Eras of the Old Testament Church
John H Ogwyn - May 17, 1980 - Pentecost

The Feast of Pentecost is a day that very specifically focuses on our uniqueness as a group, as a church. It pictures the reason and the purpose of our calling as well as picturing the time period that is the duration of our calling. I think there are a number of aspects concerning the Feast of Pent ...

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Listen to  The Shepherd The Shepherd
Edwin N Marrs

I thought I would go through, this as it was given to me by a Deaconess in, well I have two, but one book was given to me by Miss. Reynolds, and another little paper here that I had forgotten I had, was given to me by Deaconess in the Houston Church. And it has to do with the shepherd's view of th ...

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Listen to  The Spirit In Man The Spirit In Man
Herbert W Armstrong - June 20, 1981

Well, this is a Feast of Tabernacles crowd! I'm glad to see all of you, and very happy that I can be here. First I want to just bring you up very, very briefly on the progress of the Work. For the last three years, we've been striving to get God's Church back on the track. I'm sure you all k ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Spirit In Man The Spirit In Man
Maceo D Hampton - May 5, 1979

I thought about this sermon for quite some time, it's one of the sermons to me that's fascinating, at least the subject is, and yet it's difficult to be understood and yet it's simple. That sounds ambiguous, I know, sounds paradoxical but it really is simple, and yet it's profound and very ...

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Listen to  The Spirit Realm The Spirit Realm
Roy O Holladay - October 12, 1984 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well good afternoon to everyone, well I guess it's morning, get my time here, that was certainly a beautiful song, and I know we all appreciated it. One thing I wanted to mention before starting the sermon is to again ask all of you to pray for the peace and the safety that we have here at the Fea ...

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Watch  The Ten Commandments of Child Rearing The Ten Commandments of Child Rearing
Carl E McNair - February 8, 2003

Some time ago I think I gave you a Sermon with some of the background on the subject of child rearing and I don't want to repeat myself, although it is quite likely. For some reason we do that. However if I do, it will be incidental to the main subject. Today I want to speak to you concerning the ...

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Listen to  The Throne of David The Throne of David
John H Ogwyn - November 22, 1980

One of the most remarkable proofs of God and of the accuracy of the Bible is the proof of fulfilled prophecy. The various prophecies that we can look at in context of things that God has said, prophecies that have come to pass, things that have already happened, things that are in the process of bei ...

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Listen to  The True Meaning of John 3:16 The True Meaning of John 3:16
Abner D Washington - August 9, 1980

Get into the sermon that I want to speak to you about this afternoon. John 3:16, John 3:16 my text for today. You know. I have literally in my lifetime heard this scripture quoted, hundreds of times, hundreds of times and without a doubt, it really is one of the most celebrated scriptures in the Bib ...

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