
Listen to  The Meaning of Trumpets The Meaning of Trumpets
Leroy Neff - September 16, 1993 - Trumpets

We call this the Feast of Trumpets, but why? If somebody said will now you show me the words Feast of Trumpets in the Bible, could you show them? No you couldn't, because it doesn't say Feast of Trumpets in the Bible. The Jews don't call it the Feast of Trumpets they call it Rosh Hashanah, thi ...

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Listen to  The Meaning of Trumpets The Meaning of Trumpets
Dean C Blackwell - September 13, 1977 - Trumpets

Greetings everyone; nice to be back here in Houston again, have the opportunity to be here on a Holy Day. We've had a custom in the Church from year to year to ask "why are we here?" Someone answered this one time by saying, "because you're not all there". I don't think that's the reason we+ ...

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Listen to  The Millennium Will Take Place The Millennium Will Take Place
Raymond F McNair - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well brethren this is the Feast of Tabernacles and again I might ask why are we here? This morning I would like to show you as never before, that is, by God's grace and by His power, energizing me I'd like to show you as never before what this Feast of Tabernacles pictures in the plan of God. An ...

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Listen to  The Need For Spiritual Knowledge The Need For Spiritual Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong - August 29, 1981

Brethren, we are in very serious times now (whether you realize it or not). We are very close to the end of this world. The world itself doesn't realize that at all! We're in a world of awesome progress today. The progress in this world: the things that the world has accomplished and done are ab ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Night to be Much Observed The Night to be Much Observed
John H Ogwyn - April 7, 2001 - Unleavened Bread

Well good afternoon once again; we are at that time of the Spring Festival season, tonight we're going to be taking part in the occasion that we call the "The Night to be Much Observed". Let me ask you a question, why is this particular night to be much observed? Why is this particular night to be ...

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Listen to  The Passover The Passover
John H Ogwyn - March 1980 - Passover

Recently in services, in fact last week, I went through back in Peter how that we're told that judgement is right now on the house of God and certainly this applies in times of a time period, in terms of what is going on and transpiring in God's Work right now, but I think it is also particularl ...

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Listen to  The Passover The Passover
Dean C Blackwell - Passover

The Passover day isn't celebrating happy go lucky, have a big meal and eat and drink and laugh and visit, like the first day of Unleavened Bread is, like Pentecost is, like Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles, but this day is a solemn occasion. The Passover day is the time when we look back at w ...

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Listen to  The Philadelphian Attitude The Philadelphian Attitude
Gerald D Waterhouse - January 6, 1979

Left Los Angeles yesterday about 1:30, so I came in oh it must have been about 6 last night, I called Mr. Blackwell's home and got his son Jeff and he said Mr. Blackwell, Dad left yesterday, I said he did? Yes, he did, well they went out yesterday to Pasadena, I said oh is that right and I couldn+ ...

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Listen to  The Place of Safety The Place of Safety
Herbert W Armstrong - September 20, 1956 - Last Great Day

And they don't give themselves a chance to realize that everything that God has for us is good, and everything that God condemns and forbids is bad for us. And God gave us His Law that it might go well with us and that we might live long, and that means eternal life. But eternal life in Godliness ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Place of Safety The Place of Safety
Carn A Catherwood - 1981

Part of the main doctrinal truths that were suppressed during the liberal era, now over, involving a clear, a classic in time, how hope filled scriptures have defied the people of God to be physically removed from the many nations and countries in which we live and transported with God's help and ...

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Listen to  The Place of Safety The Place of Safety
Robert E Fahey - April 10, 1980

Good afternoon to you all; when I first started visiting in Canada I was working as an Area Coordinator, in Canada, we call ourselves former Area Coordinators, a long story and we were working there and I went around to the various churches, and of course the Canadian people are often quite reserved ...

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Listen to  The Plan of God The Plan of God
Herbert W Armstrong - October 10, 1957 - Feast of Tabernacles

Shall we get into the message of the morning? And once again, because the very purpose of these festivals is to bring us meat in do season. The very purpose is to remind us and renew in our minds every year, the plan of God and each one of these festivals pictures one of the very great and important ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Plan of God The Plan of God
Herbert W Armstrong - September 25, 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well, they designed a master plan; and they built the college according to that master plan. GOD ALMIGHTY didn't start to build what He is doing for this purpose until He had worked out a master plan for it. Now behind ALL was the supreme Mind of the Eternal God. We didn't come from a lifeless n ...View Transcript

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Watch  The Power of the Tongue The Power of the Tongue
Carl E McNair - January 8, 1994

Greetings from Montana, we have gone through a very tumultuous year, the past year or so and many of your Brethren in Montana have experienced the same kind of trauma that you have gone through. These are the conditions, spiritual conditions that prevailed and I think right now your Brethren in Mont ...

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Listen to  The Prayer of Faith The Prayer of Faith
John H Ogwyn - September 5, 1981

How can you truly pray the prayer of faith? How can you pray about something and really know whether or not you're going to receive an answer? Is there any guarantee that you're going to receive what you ask for, I mean a real guarantee? Are there prayers you can pray and have a guarantee on whi ...

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