"THE OLD COVENANT" and "The New Covenant and Testament" - these two terms symbolize events of colossal magnitude in MAN'S SEARCH FOR SUPREME HAPPINESS and eternal life! But do we need help in achieving eternal happiness? We Need Help! Remember, the ISRAELITES - the example for ...
JESUS promised His disciples: "YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER, AFTER THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS COME UPON YOU" (Acts 1:8). What did Jesus mean by this statement? Is this the same power - the some spirit - that resided in Christ and enabled Him to obey God perfectly? HOW does Jesus' promise also APP ...
MILLIONS have heard the hue and cry of religion, "REPENT!" But what does it mean to "REPENT"? Somehow, the piteous bleatings of those urging the public to repent have sounded almost entirely NEGATIVE! Myriads seem to have the concept God desperately NEEDS something from them-that Jesus Christ is hur ...
PERILOUS TIMES are ahead - even AT YOUR VERY DOOR! The world-wide danger signals are up, just as Christ said they would be. Unparalleled VIOLENCE FROM fierce, SATANIC MEN - men HAVING AN OUTWARD FORM OF GODLINESS - is just ahead! These men WILL diabolically ATTEMPT TO ENFORCE an OBSERVANCE OF SUNDAY ...
JUST how did SUNDAY - the day we must not observe - come into being? GOD DID NOT CREATE this dry to be holy!! GOD CREATED ONLY ONE DAY OF THE WEEK TO WHICH HE GAVE A NAME - THE SABBATH DAY! He gave it a, name because of its importance! And on that one dry He was to be worshipped. It was - and is - t ...