THINK OF IT! We have reached and passed the 50th anniversary of this great worldwide Work of the living GOD in these very end-time days of this present world. I presume you already have received your 50th anniversary number of The PLAIN TRUTH. It seems like only yesterday since my wife Loma and I ca ...
I'm writing from Australia. But wherever I am, it is needful to keep in touch with the fast-moving world conditions. We all live in the same world. And the atomic scientists have now moved the DOOMSDAY CLOCK one more minute forward - from four to only THREE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT! I mentioned before ...
Just how serious is the threat of NUCLEAR WAR? And HOW IMMINENT is such unthinkable catastrophe? Millions are deeply concerned. More than 100 million Americans watched the televised movie The Day After on November 20. But half — probably most of the viewers — turned off at the end of the movie and d ...
Here is a history-making breakthrough for God's Church! The government of the People's Republic of China has officially approved a Feast site in China for the 1984 Festival. Such an invitation has come to no other church since China became a Communist country. This is open only to citizens of th ...
The recent flurry of world-shaking catastrophes has caused even President Reagan to wonder if we are not approaching "Armageddon" and the end of this world. Suddenly, unexpected mind-boggling disasters fill the news. September 1, the deliberate shooting down by Soviet warplanes of the Kore ...
World troubles continue to expand. Among recent news stories have been kidnappings for ransom, and airplane hijackings. There was an extreme precedent 6,000 years ago. The whole world, then yet to be born, was kidnapped by Satan. Adam's children, now multiplied into about four and a third billion ...
As world conditions worsen with increasing acceleration, the rich blessings of God upon his Work through the living Christ also mount with increasing acceleration. Throuqh Christ, God is increasingly opening new doors for spreading his true Message. Truly, as we read in Ephesians 1:8 (Moffatt versio ...
As we approach the 50th Anniversary number of The PLAIN TRUTH (next February issue), I'm thrilled to announce circulation has now topped SIX MILLION COPIES! But that's only the tip of the iceberg. God has opened tremendous new doors for great expansion of PLAIN TRUTH circulation. Four thousand s ...
A staggering turn in world events may occur suddenly at any day from now on. God has been holding back these world-shaking events. But now they may strike suddenly while the world least expects it. The very first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine appeared February 1934 — just 50 years ago lacking ab ...
World events are beginning to move more rapidly toward the Great Tribulation, the END of this world, the return of Jesus Christ in SUPREME POWER AND GLORY to set up God's WORLD TOMORROW of peace, abundance and eternal life offered to all. The Pope's dramatic visit to his native Poland has added ...
GREETINGS to 1,210,000 new subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH since I last wrote such a general personal letter to all our millions of subscribers! Another 895,000 of you were NEW subcribers also at this time a year ago. As founder and Editor-in-Chief of The PLAIN TRUTH, I want to tell you about this un ...
For the past week I have been in Tucson, Arizona, in an inquisition, legally called a deposition. It is becoming evident that the case is being turned into another legal battle aimed to destroy the Church of the living God. Satan tried to destroy the Christ-Child in Jesus' infancy. Satan again att ...
It's that time again — to begin plans for the most joyous time of the year — the 1983 Feast of Tabernacles. Once again we're going to say — "Best Feast ever!" For truly, each Festival seems to become better, happier, more invigorating and inspiring than the year before. This year we sh ...
GOOD NEWS! — in a world filled with bad news. I am going to be broadcasting to the entire Middle East on Jordanian television. Also, Jordanian television is going to air both the 1981 and 1982 "Young Ambassadors" musical films, which were shown at the last two Feasts of Tabernacles, as who ...
Once again I write you from my office in the sky, aboard our G-II jet aircraft over the Pacific Ocean. Captain Black just announced over the public address system that we are flying at the speed of 690 miles per hour, due to a stiff tail wind. We are returning from visits to Manila, the Philippines, ...