Holy Days In The New Testament - Part 3 Holy Days In The New Testament - Part 3
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon   -  All Feast and Holidays

Now, I want to come back and notice a few of the comments people make about the Feast days, turn to Galatians 4, let's start off right here Galatians 4, one of the famous Baptist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Adventist one of their great verses, Galatians 4:10. You'll face this m ...

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Pasadena Spring Holy Day Attendance Pasadena Spring Holy Day Attendance
Steve Martin  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 24, 1978

We have just completed a very encouraging Passover and first Holy Day service in Pasadena. We had a record attendance for both the Passover and first Sabbath - 2,545 took the Passover while 3,535 were in attendance for the first Holy Day service. Both the Passover and the first Holy Day had more in ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Booklet   -  1972

As a motion picture, they were acclaimed by the world. As the law of God, they have been loved by some, hated by others-but transgressed by all. The Ten Commandments have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified; some, by human arguments, have tried to do away with them. A small few of the obedien ...

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The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments
Worldwide Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1972

As a motion picture, it was acclaimed by the world. As the law of God, they have been loved by some, hated by others - but transgressed by all. The Ten Commandments have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified; some, by human arguments, have tried to do away with them. A small few of the obedient ...

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The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments
Ambassador College Production  -  Booklet   -  1972

As a motion picture, it was acclaimed by the world. As the law of God, they have been loved by some, hated by others - but transgressed by all. The Ten Commandments have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified; some, by human arguments, have tried to do away with them. A small few of the obedient ...

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Raymond C Cole  -  Good News   -  June 1951

Here are the answers to your most perplexing questions! Should we prepare meals on the Sabbath? Is it a violation of God's law to travel, to care for live-stock, or to harvest crops on the Seventh Day? Does God require us to attend Church? Or, again, is it a transgression of God's law to seek ou ...

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THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Archaic Code or Eternal Law? THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Archaic Code or Eternal Law?
William F Dankenbring  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1973

Growing numbers of theologians now call the Ten Commandments archaic and obsolete. Should the Ten Commandments be rewritten? The motion picture entitled The Ten Commandments is one of the greatest epic films ever released by Hollywood. It stars Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as the Pharaoh ...

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Rejoice in GOD'S SABBATH Rejoice in GOD'S SABBATH
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Many ask, "How should I keep the Sabbath?" This article gives you the principles that will enable you to observe God's Sabbath as He intended. Jesus Christ said, "Since the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27). He didn't say it was made for the Jew, but for man - fo ...

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Daddy, why should we keep the Days of Unleavened Bread? Daddy, why should we keep the Days of Unleavened Bread?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  March 18, 1985

The Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, and all of God's other Holy Days, are deeply meaningful to God's true people. But how much meaning do they have for our children, those young ones whose teaching God says is our responsibility ? Do we ourselves deeply understand God's Holy Days? And, ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1934

And it is a law complete in itself, for HE ADDED NO MORE. Since this law did not come by or thru Moses, it cannot be called the law of Moses. Nowhere in all the Bible can you find a single one of the Ten Commandments mentioned in any text where words "law of Moses" are used! Nowhere does t ...

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Sabbath In The New Testament Sabbath In The New Testament
Don Waterhouse  -  Sermon   -  1978

Last week we began a subject of the Sabbath and I showed you from the Old Testament that without question the Saturday Sabbath which is the only Sabbath ever mentioned in the Bible and really the only Sabbath there can possibly be because the Sabbath refers to a particular day. That Saturday Sabbath ...

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Teen Bible Study: Why the Fourth Commandment Is So Important Teen Bible Study: Why the Fourth Commandment Is So Important
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  September 1982

In last month's study we learned about the absolute necessity of keeping the Ten Commandments. Although all 10 are very important in God's sight, He puts special emphasis on the Fourth Commandment the keeping of His holy Sabbath day. Do you know why God's Sabbath is so important? This study wi ...

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The Hebrew Calendar - Authoritative for God's Church Today! The Hebrew Calendar - Authoritative for God's Church Today!
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1981

Why is it that millions call the Bible the Word of God but are not willing to do what it commands? Why is it that many of these same millions call God the Author of time but are not willing to keep holy the days God made holy time? And why is it that even among the now numerous sects - usually minis ...

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The Hebrew Calendar - Authoritative for God's Church Today! The Hebrew Calendar - Authoritative for God's Church Today!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  April 1981

Why is it that millions call the Bible the Word of God but are not willing to do what it commands? Why is it that many of these same millions call God the Author of time but are not willing to keep holy the days God made holy time? And why is it that even among the now numerous sects - usually minis ...

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The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments
Roderick C Meredith  -  Booklet   -  1977

As a motion picture, they were acclaimed by the world. As the law of God, they have been loved by some, hated by others - but transgressed by all. The Ten Commandments have been cursed, maligned, distorted, vilified; some, by human arguments, have tried to do away with them. A small few of the obedi ...

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