Financial Security for YOU! Financial Security for YOU!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1962

Money troubles? How can you be SURE of a good income in 1962? Do you possess the KEY to financial strength through the turbulent years ahead? We are living in a time of political and economic CHANGE. It is already affecting your pocketbook! Whether or not you make a particular study of world affairs ...

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Sins of Sins of "Modern" Babylon Exposed - Installment Ten
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  January 1964

Many wars have been fought in the name of "religion." The Catholic Church - and her Protestant daughters have perpetrated horrible crimes - claiming to be "God's instrument." God shows that their day of reckoning is almost here. THE consequences of the great church COMPROMISE of the four ...

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You Will Have to Experience the Feast of TABERNACLES! You Will Have to Experience the Feast of TABERNACLES!
Charlene Glover  -  Good News   -  December 1951

THE BUSTLE of excitement was great here in Pasadena as students and church brethren alike prepared to leave for beautiful scenic Oregon and the Feast of Tabernacles. Some left by train, others by cars, while others went by chartered bus with no outsiders to disturb. On the night of the 15th of Octob ...

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TURKEY wiped out by Britain TURKEY wiped out by Britain
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1940

The Big question-mark of the world war, now, is TURKEY. The future course of the war from now on - the fate of nations - hinges on what Turkey does during the next few weeks or months - and on what the great warring powers do to Turkey. Will Hitler's new order - his Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis - rule t ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 68   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Purchasing Ambassador Hall. OUR OVERSEAS TOUR of 1956 had been a long and eventful one. From Paris, we drove our car back to London — crossing the Channel, Calais to Dover, by ferry. At the time, we had left George Meeker in charge of the London office. After checking in at the office in London, wit ...

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Did the Did the "Thief on the Cross" Enter PARADISE Immediately?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1972

Jesus said He would be in the grave three days and three nights after His crucifixion. Then could the thief have been WITH Christ in Paradise that very day? Notice Luke 23:43 carefully. Jesus said that the crucified malefactor would be WITH Him in Paradise. If we can prove where Jesus went when He d ...

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Church Doctrine: Smoking Is A Sin Church Doctrine: Smoking Is A Sin
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 3, 1978

Speaking of degrees of sin, smoking may be a milder sin – but nevertheless a SIN. Here is the story of how this came into the doctrine of this Church. It may come as astonishing news to some of our members, but the truth is, I personally did smoke – until a little more than 51 years ago, that is. As ...

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Where Will the Millennium Be Spent? Where Will the Millennium Be Spent?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February-March 1954

In Heaven? or on Earth? Where are the saints of God going to REIGN for the coming thousand years? Some say: "On the Earth!" Others say, "Up in heaven! All unsaved people shall be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming, The earth will be desolate during this thousand years.&q ...

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Recapture That First Love Recapture That First Love
John Richard Seiver  -  Sermon   -  March 22, 1980

Well good morning everyone; brethren we're living in the last time or the time of the end, I don't think there is much argument about that among God's people today. In fact we're living in the last days in my judgment, but even so there may still be lots of time left before Christ returns, d ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1966 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1966
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 25, 1966

Once again, as one of our inner family of Co-Workers, serving with and under the living Christ in GOD'S WORK, I must rush this letter to you by airmail. We are at the end of the shortest month of the year — and therefore our most difficult month financially. And by the way, did you ever wonder how ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 49
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1983

THE Israelites continued to camp on the plains east of the Jordan River for many days. Water was plentiful. There was an abundance of grass for the animals. Living was also a little more pleasant for the people because of the shade trees in that area. Meanwhile, the people didn't sit around doing ...

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Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection? Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1985

Jesus Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday! Here is an article explaining what Christ did command His Church to observe! Have you ever really stopped to consider why you believe the things you believe? Where did you learn the custom of observing Easter? "I learned it from childhood," you r ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 144
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1988

ACCORDING to Josiah's wish, his grandson, then eight years old, was to succeed him. But he was removed from any opportunity to reign after ten days' time. Neither did Josiah's eldest son, Eliakim, succeed his father because the people of Judah believed he would regard the king of Egypt as thei ...

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A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Bibliography   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

Adeney, Walter F. The Greek and Eastern Churches. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1908. Alzog, John. Manual of Universal Church History, 3 vols. Cincinatti: Robert Clarke & Co., 1878. Andrews, J.N. History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week. Battle Creek: Review and Herald Pub. Co., n.d. Arna ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

Question: "Explain, if you will, the parable of the ten virgins - five of whom were wise - and five foolish." Answer: The WORK OF GOD, proclaiming to the whole world the good news of the KINGDOM OF GOD, was started by one man - Jesus Christ. Jesus chose and called His disciples. The word & ...

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