Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 16, 1956 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 16, 1956
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 16, 1956

GREETINGS from the Queen Mary in Mid-Atlantic! We are now returning home to America after a very profitable and successful trip through the Holy Land, Europe and Britain. While on this trip which has been so vital for the Work of God, I have been receiving an entirely NEW concept of the future of th ...

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Worldwide News May 24, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News May 24, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  May 24, 1976

Worldwide ministry meets in Pasadena 430 attend conference - Evangelists ordained - Senior pastors selected for U.S. field ministry - 149 receive diplomas from AC - Photography supervisor dies - French Work ordains elders - Bomb scare disrupts dance - Jordanian links Work with Arab lands - Australia ...

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Easter Is Pagan! Easter Is Pagan!
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1957

WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask your­ self that question. You have been taught since childhood to accept Easter as the chief of the Christian holidays. You have supposed it is part of the true Christian religion to observe ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1964

As a member of the Church of God, do you have any obligation to an ORGANIZATION? Is church attendance, tithing, Holy Day observance and attendance at God's Feasts REQUIRED of you? "I'VE NEVER been much for goin' to Church!" one hears exclaimed from time to time. "I don't belon ...

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Women: Discover opportunities to grow, develop, teach and rule Women: Discover opportunities to grow, develop, teach and rule
Dan E Creed  -  Worldwide News   -  April 1, 1985

The service and example of women are vital parts of the work of God's Church today. While the apostle Paul's God-inspired statement clearly prohibits women from being ordained to the ministry (I Corinthians 14:34), there are tremendous opportunities for women to contribute to the Church. Was Pau ...

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Announcing Plans for Restoring God's College to A Full, Four-Year Institution Announcing Plans for Restoring God's College to A Full, Four-Year Institution
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 18, 1978

Mr. Armstrong explained that in order to really understand the purpose for Ambassador College, one needs to go right back to the beginning. He reviewed how Lucifer rebelled against God and then later wasted no time in the Garden of Eden. Adam cut himself off from God and all of Adam's progeny has ...

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Has God Eternally Existed? Has God Eternally Existed?
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Special Topics   -  1971

Here is PROOF that nothing in the universe except God has been existing forever. He alone is without beginning of days or end of years. Consider for a moment. Could God be anything but eternal? He reveals Himself as the Creator of all there is: the material universe, angelic beings, light, life. Now ...

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Lesson 1 - Canonization of the Old Testament Lesson 1 - Canonization of the Old Testament
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  January 20, 1998

Well good evening, we are here to get into the Bible Study this evening, we're going to go into the subject here over the next several Bible Studies of how we have come to have this book the Bible and particularly this evening we're going to look at the scriptures of the Old Testament and how di ...

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Local Assemblies Are NOT Social Clubs Local Assemblies Are NOT Social Clubs
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 1964

Believe it or not, assembling together in local groups or churches may lead to loss of salvation to many - unless these pitfalls are avoided! HERE is what our newly converted brethren need to know. TRUE, we are commanded not to forsake assembling ourselves together - and so much the more in these la ...

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Prince of Peace Prince of Peace
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  June 17, 1978

Now God's great motive now was to restore the government of God to the earth and then to create character and I have explained before, the one thing God cannot create instantaneously by fiat is character, Holy Righteous perfect character. Character is the right of a separate entity separate from G ...

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Dwight Armstrong succumbs to cancer at 80 in Washington Dwight Armstrong succumbs to cancer at 80 in Washington
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  November 26, 1984

SEQUIM, Wash. — Dwight Leslie Armstrong, 80, composer of the music in all but 12 hymns in the Worldwide Church of God hymnal used in all congregations worldwide, died of cancer Sabbath morning, Nov. 17. He was the youngest brother of Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong. He is survived by his wife, K ...

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Lesson 35 - The Church In God's Master Plan Lesson 35 - The Church In God's Master Plan
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1964   Revision 864

Did you know that unless Christ's disciples had been KEEPING the Day of Pentecost THEY WOULDN'T HAVE RECEIVED GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT? Without God's Spirit NO ONE could ever inherit eternal life! Without God's Spirit you can't even WORSHIP God as you should! John said, "God is a spirit: a ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1952 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1952
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 17, 1952

GREETINGS! Once again I'm writing you on the train. Mrs. Armstrong and I are returning to Pasadena from Gladewater, near Longview, Texas. There we met for the Passover (Lord's Supper) and first annual Holy Day of the Eternal our God in a wonderful conclave of co-workers and brethren brought into ...

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Discover Your Bible Discover Your Bible
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  December 1973

THE book called "The Holy Bible" is the most maligned, criticized, and misused book ever compiled. "You can prove anything by the Bible," is a commonly held belief. No volume in history has ever been subjected to so much scrutiny as this Book of books. Is the Bible really of any ...

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Easter Is Pagan! Easter Is Pagan!
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1952

WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chances are you never stopped to ask your­ self that question. You have been taught since childhood to accept Easter as the chief of the Christian holidays. You have supposed it is part of the true Christian religion to observe ...

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