What Is the Worst Sin? What Is the Worst Sin?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1982

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - What is the greatest possible sin anyone could commit? Certainly a lack of gratitude is one of the most prevalent of sins. Few have learned to really appreciate what they have. But what is the worst of all sins? The most awful sin that can be committed is, perhaps ...

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Revelation: Things That Are Going to Come to Pass Revelation: Things That Are Going to Come to Pass
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Ladies and gentlemen, greetings. A staggering, worldwide calamity is due to strike this earth very, very soon. Now there's an eye-opening book being published explaining the details, warning the people about it. It's not only one of the ten best-sellers, it is number one; it is the best seller r ...

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The Meaning of Atonement The Meaning of Atonement
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Atonement   -  September 20, 1980

Well, greetings everybody; here we are once again! Hello there, everybody! And before I start the message today I want to say I've just been watching you. I've been enjoying the service with you, enjoying Mr. LaRavia's sermonette. I hope you had a really big offering and I hope he really moved ...

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Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  July 1972

We understand and believe it is God's purpose to build holy, righteous character in human beings. But just what is character? Why is it such a primary objective in our Christian lives? Do you really know HOW to produce GODLY character? CHARACTER could be simply defined like this: "Character is tha ...

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Greetings Again Fellow Pastors Greetings Again Fellow Pastors
C Wayne Cole  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 13, 1978

I am writing this letter on a plane while returning to Pasadena from New York City. Yesterday we had a combined service in Manhattan with approximately 2000 people observing the day of Pentecost - the birthdate of the Church of God. The overwhelming impression that left its mark on me as we observed ...

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How You MUST Teach Your Children to BEHAVE IN CHURCH How You MUST Teach Your Children to BEHAVE IN CHURCH
Richard D Armstrong  -  Good News   -  September 1963

Every member of God's Church, around the world, should read every word of this letter. TO THE BRETHREN of the Fresno Church of God, from your pastor, Richard D. Armstrong. Last Sabbath it was very nice to have Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to speak to us, and the Ambassador Chorale. A pleasure which we ...

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Does the Old Testament Have Authority Over Christians Today? Does the Old Testament Have Authority Over Christians Today?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  October 1957

The Old Covenant is abolished. Then why turn to the Old Testament to learn which LAWS we are to observe? THE OLD covenant was the marriage agreement that united the LORD and the nation Israel into a husband and wife relationship. When Israel sinned, the covenant was broken. When Christ, the husband, ...

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Worldwide News March 29, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News March 29, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  March 29, 1976

GTA: 'Work should be No. 1 in radio' - Flu thwarts campaign plans - Dean to head Texas campus following CAD changeover - GTA delivers invocation at convention - Supreme Court to hear Sabbath question - Response good to program - AICF concerts continue - SEP offers adventure to Church youth - Min ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February-April 1939

Just what is "The Church?" What is its object and purpose - its real mission? Is it an ORGANIZATION, or a spiritual ORGANISM, composed of those saints whose names are written in heaven, and who have, and are led by, the Holy Spirit? And, granting it is not just some one organization, ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1963

Question 1: "A neighbor of mine thinks Christ, between the ages of twelve and thirty, was in a foreign nation. Where does the Bible say He lived during those years?" Question 2: "I have been listening to your program on the air and reading The PLAIN TRUTH for the past few years, Your ...

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Historical Record Of A 360 Day Tropical Year Historical Record Of A 360 Day Tropical Year
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Reference Book

It has been seriously suggested by some Bible scholars that the earth had a shorter tropical year in the past; a year of exactly 360 days; and that the lunar month was an exact 30 days, rather than the present 29 1/2. This concept, normally familiar only to fundamentalists and Bible scholars, gained ...

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Mr. Bicket's Memo to Department Managers Mr. Bicket's Memo to Department Managers
Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 30, 1979

WELL, we made it through the Spring Feast! Now what? That is a very good question. First, the combined Spring Holy Day offerings were up 3.4% over last year. This is a dollar per person more than last year in spite of the fact that members have responded with almost one million dollars in special of ...

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Writing Styles of The Bible Writing Styles of The Bible
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon

We're going to play a little game to start off today, it's a game we used to play when we drove from Saint Louis to Chicago and then from Chicago to Milwaukee on the Sabbath. Part of the game went like this, we'd open the Bible to a passage and start reading and then let the people guess where ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1976

Jonah ben Dov stifled a shudder that didn't come from the February freshet that drenched him with icy follow wetness. It was the early spring of 1960, and he was standing on a concrete pier on the north-east coast of the United States. What made Jonah shudder was the thought going through his mind ...

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The Sacrificial System in Israel The Sacrificial System in Israel
Ernest L Martin  -  Special Topics   -  1965

Can you prove that God's Law was in force BEFORE sacrifices were given? Do you know which laws were "added" and WHEN? THE APOSTLE PAUL tells us that the sacrifices, washings and carnal ordinances given to ancient Israel are no longer necessary. (Heb. 9:9-14.) These physical laws were imposed upon ...

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