What Do You Mean ...The END of the WORLD? What Do You Mean ...The END of the WORLD?
William F Dankenbring  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1973

Doomsdayers and false prophets have predicted the "end of the world" for centuries. But never was there an era like the 20th century. Could our generation indeed be witness to the close of an age? NEVER BEFORE have apocalyptic visions and scenarios of future calamities been more rife. Theologians an ...

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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 55 The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 55
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1963

Obstacles continually arose, threatening to prevent the opening of Ambassador College. The Queen Elizabeth docked in New York on March 21, 1947. For two days, in mid-Atlantic, she had weathered the worst storm of her career. And we had experienced the sight, the feel, and the sounds of an angry ocea ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1978

We are now in the second-almost the third-generation of the Worldwide Church of God. Many if not most Plain Truth readers today know little or nothing about its origin, history, source and nature of its government, and how it came to believe what it believes, or how those beliefs were put by the liv ...

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FASCISM Revives in Italy FASCISM Revives in Italy
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  October 1952

The United States Government is spending billions in tax dollars in a fond hope that economic assistance will prevent the recurrence of Fascism. But the same causes that once produced Fascism still exist. Our economic aid is not solving Italy's problem; it is merely postponing the ultimate RETURN ...

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Just one more thing: Plan a successful Feast with family discussions Just one more thing: Plan a successful Feast with family discussions
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  August 16, 1982

Earlier this month several days of meetings between the international regional directors and editors of The Plain Truth and the Plain Truth staff and Publishing directors were called by Plain Truth Editor-in-Chief Herbert W. Armstrong here in Pasadena, (See page 1.) On the agenda were discussions ab ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 31, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 31, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  May 31, 1972

This letter is being written high in the air, with mingled emotions of thanksgiving and gratitude, hope and JOY! My most fervent heart-rending and prevailing prayers of the last ten months, combined with yours have been answered! Messrs. Portune, Antion and Dart — all Vice Presidents, Mr. Stanley Ra ...

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Living Lessons From the Pages of the Bible Living Lessons From the Pages of the Bible
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1980

About 1140 B.C., when God still ruled Israel through judges, there was a Levite named Elkanah who had two wives. One, Hannah, was favored of her husband, but had no children. The other was Peninnah. Each year the family journeyed to Shiloh to worship the Eternal. This is where Joshua, about 300 year ...

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THIS is Ambassador College... THIS is Ambassador College...
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1964

Ambassador Colleges ARE recapturing the TRUE values! And it's FUN! It's EXCITING! But it's also challenging, and deeply rewarding. Read, in this article, about student life at the happiest places on earth! I've just returned from Ambassador College, St. Albans, England. My wife and I were th ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 31, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 31, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 31, 1972

Here we are at the SHORTEST month of the year. That makes it financially difficult, for we have a FULL MONTH'S bills to meet, but fewer days for receiving tithes and offerings — though we DO get one extra DAY this February, since it is another leap year. Giant doors are opening before us now, it s ...

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Your Spiritual Olympics! Your Spiritual Olympics!
Rex J Morgan  -  Good News   -  June-July 1984

God's Word shows us many spiritual lessons we can learn from the Olympic Games. Excitement is now rapidly mounting worldwide as hundreds of millions of people look forward to viewing, either in person or on television, one of the world's greatest sporting events, the Summer Olympic Games. The Ga ...

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Does EASTER Really Commemorate the RESURRECTION? Does EASTER Really Commemorate the RESURRECTION?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March-April 1942

Was Jesus three days and three nights in the grave, as He said in Matthew 12:40? Can you figure this between sunset "Good Friday" and sunrise Easter Sunday? Here is an astonishing Bible TRUTH! It is commonly supposed, today, Jesus was crucified on FRIDAY, and that the resurrection occurred ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1938

Was Jesus three days and three nights in the grave, as He said in Matthew 12:40? Can you figure this between sunset "Good Friday" and sunrise Easter Sunday? Here is an astonishing Bible TRUTH! IT is commonly supposed, today, Jesus was crucified on FRIDAY, and that the resurrection occurred ...

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Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Tabernacles
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  September-October 1970

THE 1970 Feast of Tabernacles is shaping up to be the greatest Feast ever observed by the Philadelphia era of God's Church. Multiple thousands of man-hours have gone into the planning and administration of 18 Feast sites around the world! This year's Feast portends a number of exciting changes w ...

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Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 8 Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 8
Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  July 1961

The beginning of the Sanhedrin, the origin of the "traditions of the elders," the usurpation of authority by laymen - these are discussed in this installment. IN previous installments we followed the Egyptian rule of Palestine until 198 B.C. In that year the Syrian kingdom on the north invaded and c ...

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Observing right laws of health prevents spread of diseases Observing right laws of health prevents spread of diseases
Andrew Silcox  -  Worldwide News   -  September 17, 1985

During the 14th century a deadly disease swept across Europe, destroying more than one third of the population. This killer plague, known as the black death because of the black patches on the skin of its victims, struck rich and poor, high and low. The bubonic plague was all the more frightening be ...

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