Conversion Conversion
Richard F Ames  -  Sermon   -  Last Great Day   -  October 2, 1980

Just imagine what it's going to be like with 144,000 singing. We really are experiencing a foretaste of the World Tomorrow. There are those who have their own battles to fight, and yet that's a part of the Christian life. Today is the Last Great Day, and it is picturing the completion of the fes ...

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KILLING - The Trend of Our Time! KILLING - The Trend of Our Time!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1964

Will the President's assassination really change anything? Will a deep sense of morality, Christian conscience, respect for law and order begin to be evidenced in the United States and abroad? Read the stern answer - gathered from present-day news and the pages of your Bible! "THE land is FUL ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 24, 1975 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 24, 1975
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 24, 1975

I am returning from one of the most successful trips so far in this exciting NEW DIMENSION in God's Work. We are making a stopover for a few days in New York. On arrival at the Teterboro (New Jersey) Airport — just across the Hudson River from New York City — we were met by cars to bring us to our ...

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Modern Technology In God's Service Modern Technology In God's Service
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May 1971

News of the Work - THE ENTIRE mailing list for The PLAIN TRUTH and for our Co-Workers was maintained personally by Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong in 1934. She carefully addressed each magazine or envelope as it was sent out. When people wrote in changing their addresses or requesting any other literature ...

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Dr. C. Paul Meredith - 1902-1968 Dr. C. Paul Meredith - 1902-1968
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  April 1968

Dr. Meredith was a rare example of one who served his Creator above all else. Although we were shocked to hear of his death recently, he lived a rather long, a very interesting and an extremely productive life. He was the second son of Clarence Dexter Meredith of Wabash, Indiana and Elizabeth Ann Cu ...

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Loving Your Enemies - A Lesson From China Loving Your Enemies - A Lesson From China
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  February 1986

From the experiences of a teacher in China, we can learn something about our goal as Christians. I found the story of Qu Xiao in a newspaper I bought in Guangzhou, China. I started reading it casually, and then found myself becoming absorbed as I began to realize that the story contained a lesson fo ...

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Judah's Septere and Joseph's Birthright Judah's Septere and Joseph's Birthright  -  Series 3   
Chapter 4    The Veil Lifted from the Abrahamic Nations

J. H. Allen  -  Reference Book   -  1902

The question naturally arises, "How did the prince, the highest branch of the cedar of Lebanon, get to the isles of the sea?" To get to the bottom of that which is involved in the reply to this question we will need to understand some of the characteristics, and acquaint ourselves ...

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Wilmer E Parrish  -  Good News   -  September 1965

Here are practical principles you can apply to make the coming Festival of Tabernacles profitable both physically and spiritually. MOST OF GOD'S people have been anxiously watching their calendars for the day when they can leave their daily routine behind, bind their second tithe in their hand, an ...

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The 1969 Feast of Tabernacles The 1969 Feast of Tabernacles
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  November-December 1969

At twenty-two sites in twelve countries around the world, over 63,000 of God's people assembled to REJOICE before Him in keeping the "best-ever" Feast of Tabernacles in the Philadelphia Era of God's Church! Over 54,000 brethren congregated at seven sites in the continental United States and Cana ...

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Just one more thing: 'Acting' like a Christian Just one more thing: 'Acting' like a Christian
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  May 16, 1983

Centuries ago the prophet Isaiah condemned insincerity (Isaiah 1:10-15), and in one of His most stinging speeches Christ criticized the religious leaders of His day for their hypocrisy (Matthew 23). When Christ preached His sermon on the mount, there wasn't a Pharisee within range who didn't wan ...

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Avoid letdown after Festival by focusing on spiritual aspect Avoid letdown after Festival by focusing on spiritual aspect
Clayton D Steep  -  Worldwide News   -  November 4, 1985

The high point of the year? Most members of God's Church would say it is the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast is an event for which we begin to plan many months in advance. And then, in eight short but marvelous days, it's all over for another year. It should not surprise anyone that the Feast co ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 12, 1958 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 12, 1958
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 12, 1958

I have just arrived here in Gladewater, Texas, to inspect the new Tabernacle project and make final plans for construction of additional sanitary buildings in the camping area, altering the original tabernacle so as to convert it into a large dining hall, making decisions on wide sidewalks between t ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1950

Here is an eye - opening article on a much misunderstood subject, making the TRUTH plain, clear, INTERESTING! (reprinted from November, 1946, number) In the last Book of the Old Testament is an amazing PROPHECY. It foretells the cause of a national calamity soon to happen to the UNITED STATES! It is ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 04, 1967 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 04, 1967
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 04, 1967

Since I wrote you, a week ago, things have happened fast. Indeed, world events are racing on now at an ever-accelerating clip. I want to give you a little ADVANCE NEWS, which you will read in more detail in my Personal column. Page one, in the July PLAIN TRUTH. With this coming number, due off the p ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1970 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1970
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 17, 1970

Words cannot express the gratitude, and the sense of encouragement and inspiration I have experienced at the response of God's people to my letter of March 30th. God surely does have a people for His name, whose hearts are in His Work — who are willing when necessary to make real personal sacrific ...

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