Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

Do YOU realize that if it is wrong to do a certain thing, it is wrong to harbor THOUGHTS of that thing in your mind? "All have sinned," says the Scripture. What is sin, anyway? Satan ought to know - and he is the invisible influence who sways the course of this world. Hollywood is consider ...

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I Corinthians 16 & II Corinthians 1-3 I Corinthians 16 & II Corinthians 1-3
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  October 10, 1980

So now we have come to the 16th chapter of I Corinthians the last chapter. Now remember there are 16 chapters if I would write anyone a letter as long as I Corinthians all 16 chapters, now remember that's just one letter that Paul wrote to the people up in Corinth and I tell you I have taken about ...

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What Does Pentecost Mean To You? What Does Pentecost Mean To You?
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  May 1969

Why are so few being converted today? And why were YOU chosen to be among those few? Here is the real meaning of God's third annual Holy Day Festival - and VITAL to your salvation! THE churches of this world teach that this is the only day of salvation - that all who will ever be "saved" ...

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The Feast of Tabernacles The Feast of Tabernacles
Charles S McMichael  -  Good News   -  September 25, 1978

We in the Church probably have more money at our disposal at the Feast of Tabernacles to spend on ourselves and our families than any other time of the year. So some are beginning to look at the Feast of Tabernacles as a vacation primarily, rather than realizing its basic purpose. The Feast of ...

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Why Are We Here On Earth? Why Are We Here On Earth?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Unleavened Bread   -  April 25, 1981

Well, how nice it is to see all of you and to realize what a large group we have here on God's Holy Day and everything has gone along quite well I realize that God has answered many prayers and no doubt quite pleased with what is being done here this morning and now what we're going to hear from ...

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Does EASTER Really Commemorate the RESURRECTION? Does EASTER Really Commemorate the RESURRECTION?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March-April 1943

Was Jesus three days and three nights in the grave, as He said in Matthew 12:40? Can you figure three days and three nights between sunset "Good Friday" and sunrise Easter Sunday? We have never published an article that stirred more comment and enthusiastic endorsement than this article, w ...

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Seven Keys to Understanding the Bible Seven Keys to Understanding the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1953

DO YOU realize God has purposely closed much of the Holy Bible from human understanding, until now? Look at the pitiful spectacle - hundreds of different sects and denominations, all confused and mixed up, each with its own different ideas, beliefs and practices - all disagreeing as to what the Bibl ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1959

Easter Sunday does NOT commemorate the resurrection! Christ did NOT die on "Good Friday"! Read here the astounding, irrefutable PROOF that the true date of the crucifixion and the resurrection can be known! Either the "Good Friday - Easter Sunday" tradition is a fable - or you ha ...

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Worldwide News June 20, 1977 Headlines Worldwide News June 20, 1977 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  June 20, 1977

AC gears Up for 1,100 enrollment - AC holds summer classes - SEP begins 15th year - High court hits Sabbath keepers - Director named for French - Carter's brave (?) new world - Working miracles, wood you believe? - Poke-stalk casserole, ramp pie favorites at wild-food dinner - Johnny B. lays down ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  February-March 1954

Question: Where Did Cain Get His WIFE? Answer: This is one of the most common questions we receive. If Adam was the first man, directly created by God, and Eve the first woman, also a direct creation, and only three sons are mentioned - Cain, Abel, and Seth, it is but natural that many ask, "Where t ...

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Letter Comments Letter Comments
Pastor General Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 13, 1978

Pastor Plays Dan Thomas Tape; Recently I played for both Columbus and Indianapolis, Indiana, on the Sabbath in place of the sermon, the tape of Dan Thomas' talk to the youth in Big Sandy during the International Youth Conference. I have had many comments from adults that it really was helpful and ...

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Teen Bible Study: How We Got the Bible Teen Bible Study: How We Got the Bible
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  February 1982

When God created man, He planned to teach him what he needed to know. God taught Adam the basis of how to live a successful, happy and abundant life. And He revealed the wonderful future He had in store for him and his children. Over hundreds of years God inspired certain men to write these teaching ...

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Worldwide News December 19, 1977 Headlines Worldwide News December 19, 1977 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  December 19, 1977

Mr. Armstrong plans to speak at HQ conference - GTA to K.C. for sermon, social - Gene Kelly tapes In Auditorium - 819 sign up for conference - Jekyll Feast canceled - Dollar skids; trade-war prospects grow - Bomb blasts office; staff okay - Barbados bomb scare disturbs Sabbath peace - New church and ...

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Doctrinal Outlines - The Tongues Question Doctrinal Outlines - The Tongues Question
Worldwide Church of God  -  Study Tools   -  1986/87

Here is a vital question! You need to know the answer! Are the ecstatic utterances - called gibberish by some observers - that boil forth from the mouths of members of some charismatic churches true manifestations of the New Testament gift of tongues? Are they from the holy spirit? Or are they, as o ...

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C Wayne Cole  -  Pastor General's Report   -  October 03, 1978

While writing this PASTOR'S REPORT copy, we are returning to Pasadena from Cincinnati. Yesterday, on the Feast of Trumpets, 3400 were congregated in the beautiful Cincinnati Music Hall for the observance of this annual Sabbath. This excellent attendance represented the combined total of 14 chu ...

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