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Who said he could destroy the temple and in three days build it up?
Jesus Christ

John 2:19
Sweeten Your Marriage with God's Holy Spirit
Earl H Williams      |   Remove Highlight

Feast of Tabernacles

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Speaking of bears, I hope you haven't run across any. I hear they are around here. That may be a warning to some of you who might make fun of my bald head and Mr. Reedy and so forth. There's a few chapters in the Bible that, if you hurt the victim, you might not want to make fun of us. It certainly is beautiful here. We really have enjoyed being here at the Feast Mount Pocono. I've been in the East Coast now for the last 2 years, 8 months, and the 2 previous feasts we transferred to Florida and Norfolk. I tell you, this beats them all. I've just, I've been won over, converted to the Poconos now, and hope I'll never have to transfer again. It certainly has been wonderful. Hopefully, you all are enjoying it. You know it's really awesome to stand here and look out and see the crowd.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: October 15, 1984