Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

How Does God Answer Prayer? How Does God Answer Prayer?
Worldwide Church of God - 1971

"I have prayed and prayed and prayed for an answer to my problem but God just doesn't answer. I don't know what to do. How can I know God's will? Why doesn't He answer my prayers?" Many of you readers have written in asking these very important questions. This article gives the answers! FIRS ...

How Long Were The Days of Creation? How Long Were The Days of Creation?
Kenneth C Herrmann - 1958

Were the days of creation week "ages"? People insist that God could not set the world in order and create life forms in six literal days. Why? WHY HAS doubt about creation entered Christian minds today? Why do men in this "enlightened age" reject the unmistakable meaning of the Word of God? ...

How to Be an OVERCOMER How to Be an OVERCOMER
Herbert W Armstrong - 1971

WHY are we not more successful in living up to God's standard? WHY do we slip and fall occasionally? Here is how YOU can overcome where you are weakest and hardest tempted! Do YOU have some "besetting sin" - some point of weakness? perhaps secret, you have been unable to overcome? ...

How To Conquer Your Fears How To Conquer Your Fears
Herman L Hoeh - 1955

Do you have doubts about holding your job? Do you worry over loss of money - or over the lack of money you need? Does the dread of illness or of a nervous breakdown or of insanity haunt you? Are broken friendships, repressed love affairs robbing you of health? THEN HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! ...

How to Cook Vegetables How to Cook Vegetables
Isabell F Hoeh - 1954

Money alone cannot buy good health. Health comes only through right living. With this issue, we continue publication of a series of articles on foods. SUMMER is here and with it, vegetables in variety and abundance. Vegetables, we are told, contain vitamins and minerals that all of us need for good ...

How To Deal With People Who Have Faults How To Deal With People Who Have Faults
Ambassador College Production - 1976

Galatians 6:1 reads: "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness." But how do you know if you're spiritual or not? And once you do know, how do you go about "restoring" your erring brother? What does it really mean to be "spi ...

How To Develop Righteous Character How To Develop Righteous Character
Leon Walker - 1979

In nations or individuals, things like wealth, position, education, intellect, natural abilities and talents seem very important but in fact count for very, very little without character. And the interesting thing about character is that basically it is not hereditary; it is not inborn, it is someth ...

How To Make Wise Decisions! How To Make Wise Decisions!
Albert J Portune - 1963

Success and happiness in life - EVEN finally achieving the KINGDOM OF GOD depends on making RIGHT DECISIONS. Here are SEVEN RULES which will help you make the right decisions - EVERY TIME! HOW OFTEN do we find ourselves in trouble because we have made a wrong decision? ...

HOW to Observe God's Festivals HOW to Observe God's Festivals
Herman L Hoeh - 1970

Here is a clear, simple explanation showing how you can keep God's festivals even if you cannot observe them with converted brethren or if you live with unconverted relatives. How SHOULD you observe the annual festivals if you are at home with unconverted members of the family? How can you keep fr ...

Ambassador College - 1971

Almost everybody suffers from occasional emotional stress. Fears, neuroses, anxieties, insecurity, worries, compulsions are all commonplace today. WHY? What's the CAUSE? What is the secret of sound emotional control LIFE should be worth living. Yet the feeling that life is not worth living "i ...

How To Prevent Sin How To Prevent Sin
Herbert W Armstrong - 1971

Do YOU realize that if it is wrong to DO a certain thing, it is wrong to harbor THOUGHTS of that thing in your mind? "ALL have sinned," says the Scripture. What IS sin anyway? Satan ought to know - and he is the invisible influence who sways the course of this world. Hollywood is considered by many ...

How To Reckon The Day of Pentecost How To Reckon The Day of Pentecost
Worldwide Church of God - 1975

"WHEN the day of Pentecost had arrived they were all gathered together. And suddenly from heaven a noise like a violent wind filled the house where they were seated... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit." This was the beginning of the New Testament Church. Jesus had fulfilled Hi ...

How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One
Robert C Boraker - 1967

Puzzling problems and questions of many kinds crop up when you study the Bible - God's Word. You can find the answers if you search for them. This article shows why there are difficulties in understanding the Bible and how you can solve them. AGNOSTICS and atheists attack the Bible by claiming it ...

How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three
Robert C Boraker - 1967

Here are more principles that will help you solve Bible difficulties - how to determine original word meanings - how to use marginal comments and footnotes - and other basic guidelines to help you better understand God's Word. WORDS mean different things to different people. Bible verses have been ...

How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Two How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Two
Robert C Boraker - 1967

Apparent contradictions and other Bible difficulties are due mainly to carelessness in reading the Bible. This article shows how many difficulties can be solved by studying more carefully. WHY DO people misunderstand the Bible? Once you understand what your attitude should be toward Bible study, and ...

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