Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

Ambassador College Production

Criminality is on the rampage. No one is immune to its effects. It's time to understand why this tragic state of affairs exists and what you can do about it. Crime is generally defined as "deviant behavior contrary to the accepted codes of society." Society will not survive if most of it ...

Eat Right to Be Healthy Eat Right to Be Healthy
Isabell F Hoeh - 1960

Here are facts about health everyone should know. EVERYONE knows he needs food, but few know what foods are needed. Man has lived on a great variety of foods and survived. But because he survived does not mean that he enjoyed good health while he lived. Our goal is not merely to survive! John wrote ...

Escapism Escapism
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1970

Escapism has become the biggest social problem of our times!! With the future unthinkable, the present unacceptable, millions seek ESCAPE from the problems they can't face! And EVEN THIS was prophesied! See, in this article, what escapism is doing to the moral fiber of our peoples, and where God s ...

Gene H Hogberg - 1971

Momentous, historic events are transforming Western Europe. But most Americans are "asleep at the switch" to what is happening. It's time for a self-centered America to wake up - before her allies become her enemies. Envision the startling future of Western Europe. A ten-nation union of ...

Ambassador College - 1971

Did giant draft horses and sleek Thoroughbreds evolve from rabbit-sized ancestors? Neat diagrams in science textbooks say yes. But research the details and you find a horse of a different color! Increasingly, scientists are questioning what has been the greatest array of "evidence" ever as ...

False Conversion - A MORTAL DANGER False Conversion - A MORTAL DANGER
Roderick C Meredith - 1970

This article affects YOU! The really GREAT DANGER for most professing Christians is revealed here. You NEED to know! MOST OF you reading this article realize that you had been LACKING something for many years. Now you have come to understand a great deal of new truth. A new way of life is opening up ...

Family Finances Family Finances
Ambassador College Production

Various nations around the world have been riding an economic roller coaster during the 20th century! Financial upheavals of staggering proportions - depression, massive unemployment, runaway inflation, skyrocketing interest rates and ever-expanding debts - have affected the economies of dozens of c ...

FASTING for Health FASTING for Health
Herbert W Armstrong - 1954

What should you do when you, or your children, catch a cold, have a fever, or become ill? WHY ARE people sick? Many seem to think our bodies were made to become sick every little while. Man ought never to be sick. Man, remember, is the creation of God. True, he is mortal, made of the dust of th ...

Five Ways to Save Your Marriage Five Ways to Save Your Marriage
Ambassador College - 1971

Why unhappy marriages? Why divorce, desertion, marital unhappiness, after a young couple exchange vows of "to love until death do us part?" Here are five practical steps you can take to be one of a shrinking minority - the happily married couple. DIVORCE lawyers, marriage counselors and sociologists ...

Four Thousand Years of Easter Four Thousand Years of Easter
Herman L Hoeh - 1971

Believe it or not, Easter was being observed 4000 years ago! It was still being observed when the Christ-child was born - during His ministry - when He built His Church. YET CHRIST DID NOT INSTITUTE IT - CHRIST NEVER OBSERVED IT - THE APOSTLES NEVER OBSERVED IT - the Church JESUS BUILT NEVER OBSERVE ...

Fulfilled Prophecy - A Challenge to the Skeptics Fulfilled Prophecy - A Challenge to the Skeptics
Ambassador College Production - 1980

The trustworthiness of God's Word is at stake! The Bible must either stand or fall according to the fulfillment of the remarkable prophecies it so boldly makes. For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times t ...

Germany In Prophecy Germany In Prophecy
Radio Church of God - 1958

Where is Germany mentioned in Biblical prophecy? Or are the German people mentioned at all? The German people stand today in the very shadow of the Iron Curtain. Germany at this moment holds the key to Europe's destiny and to Western defense. German industry and transportation constitute the heart ...

God's Government - What Will It Be Like? God's Government - What Will It Be Like?
Worldwide Church of God - 1976

If there is one thing this world has always lacked, it is effective, just government. Every humanly devised system has ultimately failed to bring about permanent peace, universal human dignity, happiness and fulfillment for mankind. And all of man's governments will continue to fail until God repl ...

God's Interest In Young People God's Interest In Young People
Randy Schreiber - 1980

When I was preparing for this sermon for the youths I began reminiscing about my own past. It's interesting looking back. I was 10 years old when I first came to Worldwide Church of God services. You're very impressionable at that age; a 10-year-old has a special way of thinking. When our family ...

God's Master Plan God's Master Plan
Herbert W Armstrong - 1979

I wonder if you realize why you are here? God had a purpose when He put people on the earth. What the world does not know is that when the first man and woman rejected God, they rejected Him as the Revealer of knowledge. The first thing God did was to begin to give them knowledge. You've got to re ...

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